Minutes THA September 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority
September 29, 2014
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioner’s Present: Chairperson Janice Kopchik; Vice-Chairperson Linda Nassrah, Commissioners Suzanne Donofrio, Thelma Burr, Susan Fatse.

Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Mrs. Kopchik. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes
Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik, seconded by Mrs. Donofrio, to approve the minutes of July 28, 2014 as written. Motion passed unanimously.

Resident Comments
Mr. Littlefield thanked the maintenance staff and Mrs. Polansky for eliminating the tree roots and repairing the walkway in front of units 167 and 170. He also noted there are still problems in the area of unit 153 and 158 with flooding. Water runs down by the garbage corral, down the pathway and into the parking area which could be a hazard in the winter when it freezes. There is also a sink hole in the parking area near units 151 and 154. This could also pose a hazard for everyone if water should freeze. Mr. Littlefield is requesting, on behalf of the Stern Village Tenant’s Association, that the director hire a contractor ASAP to take care of these problems.

Mrs. Polansky stated she would have the maintenance staff and the town look into the situation and see what can be done to correct the situation.

Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Burr presented a financial summary up to August 31, 2014. Stern Village and Stern Center has an overall profit for this period of $22,731.00. All current vendors have been paid. The cash position is strong. The Village’s cash position is approximately $30,000 and Center’s cash position is $16,000.

Director’s Report
Mrs. Polansky’s report included the following. She noted that Frank Stellato from Millennium was at the meeting to discuss the revitalization.
1. Financial Summary – for the period ending August 31, 2014 there was an overall gain of approximately $22,700. Currently the reserve balance is over $1,147,000 which is approximately $6,518 per unit in the entire complex. The overall cash position as of August 31, 2014 shows a balance of $1,623,000 including the investment account. Accounts payable are approximately $5,400. We are in a strong position to move forward; some minor improvements will be made along the way and other projects will be reviewed to further improve the facility within the realm of affordability and need.
2. A Resident Services Coordinator has been hired. Her name is Paulette Mack and she will start on October 13, 2014. There is also a new maintenance man that will start October 1, 2014 and his name is Richard Perez.
3. Paulette will get to know all residents, will look at different support services, work with Harriet in securing grants and bringing other services to Stern Village. There are different pockets of money available for the residents from Medicare, Medicaid, funds for food and different avenues of free transportation. Paulette will be looking into all these avenues.
4. Annual inspections are right on target and we have not found too many areas of concern. Many of the GFI switches have been replaced and some electrical problems are being fixed. Mrs. Polansky reviewed all inspection reports and noted they are more integrated this year and if she sees anything that looks like a safety issue or a problem, the resident will get a letter to ask the resident to remediate the situation. Some letters have been sent to residents with a deadline of October 1 for remediation. This is for the safety and welfare of the residents.
5. The revitalization of the Village is a huge project. The state has provided us with consultants that are free to the THA to prepare us to request funding in January when the applications for the next round of money will begin. Some of the free consultants are Susan Turley from HERC, Housing Education Resource Center. She will be working with me to create the Resident Participation Plan that will be adhered to. Kim Pietrorzaio from TOVAH will be on site tomorrow to discuss the Resident Participation Plan with the residents, get buy-in, and discuss other matters such as the Tenant’s Association’s compliance with state statutes. The Plan was distributed to the Board and reviewed. This Plan is state mandated and all residents will be a part of the revitalization. The revitalization and plan has been talked about at several meetings and now a document must be provided to continue. Mrs. Polansky reviewed the plan and what will happen moving forward. Kim from TOVAH will be here tomorrow to discuss the plan.
6. The Village also has the support of CHFA and DOH. They have identified us as a critical housing authority and have asked us to participate in the Affordable Housing Academy along with others from Groton, Greenwich, Glastonbury, Branford, Norwalk, Meriden, Danbury and Bethel. Classes started in the middle of September and will continue through January. These classes will prepare us to ask for funding.
7. Team THA for the Revitalization of Stern Villge includes: Board of Commissioners, Stern Village residents, the consultants from Millennium Frank Stellato and Bruce Whitaker, Kim from TOVAH, Sue from HERC, Cardo as the environmental consultant, Director of Economic Development for the Town of Trumbull Ed Lavernovich, Neil Gerhardt, Paulette Mack, Harriet Polansky and an architect. The state mandates we have an architect. We are down to the final three after working on the proposals for several months.
8. Frank Stellato spoke on the architect selection. He noted they had a concept of what they wanted Stern Village to look like and as that has been honed, we have been able to develop a better understanding of what might be in the future. The Housing Academy classes have also helped with this understanding. The funding sources dictate what direction we need to go in terms of how we look at applications and how we look at the scope of the project. From the initial response of architects, we have been able to bring the number down to three finalists and are trying to get them all on the same page. We are within about two weeks to make a recommendation to the board for their consideration and selection.
9. Frank also noted there are two funding rounds. The first is in April. This is the state housing portfolio round which is exclusive to housing authorities. We have been pre-selected relative to this funding round. This will encompass a significant part of the renovation component. What is known as the Champ Funding, is targeted for June 2015, with an announcement date of September. This is more difficult because we get into land use issues, storm water management issues but the architect design team works on this phase. Second round for Champ is in December 2015. We should be able to get through the municipal approvals and be on track for 2015/2016 application funding round. Earliest construction start would be 2016. Mrs. Polansky noted the process takes time to work through the state and even though we are taking baby steps, the revitalization is progressing.
10. State mandates were reviewed, rent amounts were discussed as it relates to income from the state and funding availability discussed. The total project is between $20-25 million; first phase is $10 million. Energy efficient designs are being reviewed along with some hi-tech items for patient safety; integration of universal design so residents can age in place and the vision of a New England village style for each building. This all depends on funding.

Unfinished Business
No unfinished business.

New Business
1. Mrs. Kopchik moved that the THA prepare and approve a Resident Participation Plan, which has sought and obtained the input from the residents. We will not at this time enter into a signed Resident Participation Plan Agreement. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio. No discussion; motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, Mrs. Kopchik made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:35 pm. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio; motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall
THA Minutes for September 092914 (1) HP

Minutes THA July 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority
July 28, 2014
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Vice-Chairman Linda Nassrah, Suzanne Donofrio, Thelma Burr.

Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

Commissioners Absent: Susan Fatse, Janice Kopchik

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 pm by Vice-Chairman Nassrah. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes
Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to approve the minutes of the THA of June 23, 2014 as written. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously.

Public Comment
No public comment.

Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Burr noted all bills are paid for the month of July.

Executive Director’s Report
Financial Summary – Year Ended June 30, 2014.
The fiscal year ended on June 30, 2014 and on July 1st, we started our new year.
Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss for the year of $8,088. Costs were aligned with the projected costs for all the services put into the budget for the entire year. The loss can be attributed to a decrease in income due to vacancies, which was approximately $10,000, as well as the increased costs in rehabilitating the congregate and village apartments. As of now the congregate is fully occupied. The village has 8 unoccupied apartments and 3 of those apartments will be occupied by August 1st.
Some expenses were higher.
-Utilities increased approximately 26% over the budget due to usage & rates increased. The new lights should provide a savings realized for the new year.
-Maintenance supplies increased due to rehabilitating congregate and village apartments.
However, contract services are lower since we are using our own employees. We had additional legal costs which are being offset by lower costs to date in property insurance premiums for the complex. Our overall performance for the year shows a loss of less than 1% after receiving the State subsidy for the congregate.
Currently our reserve balance is over $1,412,000. This is approximately $6,359 for each unit in the entire complex. Our overall cash position as of June 30, 2014 shows a balance of $1,597,000. We have Accounts Payable as of June 30, 2014 in the amount of $74,148 which includes our P.I.L.O.T amounting to $40,500.
In the past year some capital improvements were made in both the village and the congregate and the expenditure was $91,100. This included
– new appliances and hot water heaters for $19,000,
– a new roof for the congregate for $38,000
– new air conditioners for the congregate for $8,250
– repair of the electrical and sprinkler system in the congregate for $4,700
– installation of speed bumps in the parking lot, cameras, signage, added handicapped parking spaces for $4,450
– electrical/emergency preparedness amounted to $5,450
– other miscellaneous improvements in the amount of $11,250.

A used golf cart was obtained through a donation from RD Scinto (special thanks to Don Scinto), the Wii with 4 remotes and games was provided to us from Aquarion Water Company, the Trumbull Rotary Club funded our directional signs and in the community room we were able to obtain a new large TV with the help of a grant from the State.
Handicapped Parking in Second Circle.
There are 2 handicap parking spaces in the second circle with 13 residents that have handicapped stickers that live near the circle. Residents are competing for these spaces, many leave their car in these spaces for days at time. Several residents have been complaining that it’s not fair that a few residents monopolize the spaces. Mrs. Polansky has spoken with many of the residents about being courteous to their neighbors and not monopolizing the spaces but no change has been noticed. Maintenance would prefer removing these 2 spaces to make it easier for them to plow in the winter and for general grounds-keeping. Mrs. Polansky plans on removing these spaces and maintenance will create additional handicapped parking spaces near the circle. She intends on sending a letter to notify these 13 residents that these spaces will be removed on August 2. Additional handicapped parking will be created in the 1st circle.

Building and Grounds
We are in the process of clearing many areas that are overgrown. Several bushes need to be trimmed, areas along the woods need to be cut back, areas near units need to be cleared so residents can have picnic tables and have a nice area outside. We have drainage issues and have purchased the equipment to create appropriate drainage. We are going to power wash roofs and sidings that need it. Mrs. Polansky is working with Jeff to get this taken care of within the next few weeks.

Thanks to CHFA, they have provided us with Kim from TOVAH. Tovah means TRANSFORMING OUTCOMES FOR VIBRANT AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Kim’s service is free to us. CHFA is paying for her to educate the residents, create a new Resident Council for Stern Village, provide training for elected officials of the organization as well as find sources of funds. This will be duly elected, constituted and incorporated. It will also be registered as a non-profit, in order for the Resident Council to apply for grants and get donations. Kim was here last Tuesday for an initial meeting to discuss the purpose of the Council and provided lots of information on how this will be formed. Kim will be mailing information to all the residents. It was noted there will be a meeting on August 19 for further information on the council and in September, those who wish to run for office will be allowed to speak to the residents. With the current Tenants Association in the village, the THA is working with the state regarding the formation of the council.

Mrs. Polansky is extremely excited about working as a TEAM. Residents are intelligent, helpful and concerned about their neighbors and the Stern Village community. They have great ideas. She would like to become the model public housing authority CT and knows we can work together to make this the best place to live. It’s all about team work. As you know, there is no I in team and together everyone achieves more.

Unfinished Business

New Business
Environmental Consultants
In order to request funding from the State for our rehabilitation and renovations, the THA must engage with an Environmental Consultant and an Architect. This is mandatory and part of our pre-development phase. Based on Millennium’s years of experience, we budgeted $23,000 for the Environmental Consultant.

Six responses to the RFQ for the Environmental Consultant were received. Bruce Whittaker & Frank Stellato of Millennium, Neil Gerhardt and Mrs. Polansky reviewed the proposals. Out of the six responses, it was narrowed down to two firms. Bruce and Frank discussed the process and the recommendation. It was noted that references have been checked. This will cost approximately $18,000-$19,000. The two firms are Cardno and Fuss & O’Neil. After discussion of both firms, it was moved by Ms. Nassrah to choose Cardno to be the environmental consultant. Seconded by Mrs. Burr and approved unanimously.

Eviction Matter in the Congregate
It was noted that Mrs. Polansky has been working with the attorneys and the board to come to an agreement regarding a tenant in the congregate. Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to allow Mrs. Polansky to resolve this matter. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously.

There being no further business, motion was made by Mrs. Donofrio, seconded by Ms. Nassrah, to adjourn the meeting at 4:32 pm. Approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall

These minutes are considered a draft until approved at the next meeting by the Trumbull Housing Authority.

THA Board Minutes for July 28, 2014

Minutes THA June 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting – June 23, 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority

June 23, 2014

4:00 pm

Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Linda Nassrah, Susan Fatse, Janice Kopchik and Suzanne Donofrio

Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm by Commissioner Nassrah. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes

Motion was made by Mrs. Fatse, seconded by Mrs. Donofrio, to approve the minutes of the THA of May 19, 2014 as written. Approved unanimously.

Public Comment

Mr. Paul Littlefield reiterated his concern for the safety of residents in the village. He brought this to the Commissioners last month. He noted a letter of appreciation was sent to Mr. Marsilio from the Tenant Association for the work they have done but more work needs to be done. He noted three areas to be addressed 1) pot holes 2) tree root damage to pavement areas and 3) finish the general clean-up.

Mrs. Polansky reiterated that paving in the village was estimated to be over $1,000,000. This concern has been addressed in the renovation plan. She noted there is an agreement with the town to maintain Hedgehog Circle and they have been down the street to sweep up the debris; the remainder will be addressed. Maintenance has been done by village personnel. Mrs. Polansky stated she is also feels the paving is critical to the safety of the tenants. She has spoken with Mrs. Hammers from the Board of Finance and Mr. Marsilio and this project was not a priority for them at this time. Mr. Marsilio has budgeted for paving roads but there are other roads that are in more critical condition that need to be paved before Hedgehog Circle. Hopefully we will be in the schedule for 2015. The village is on a schedule to have the pot holes filled and they were fix. Ms. Nassrah noted that the Board of Finance approved a $1.00 budget for repaving and will be revisiting the project in the future.

Mr. Littlefield questioned where the $1,000,000 figure was obtained. Mrs. Polansky noted it was in the capital needs assessment that was conducted. A copy of the assessment was requested and will be provided when the appropriate FOIA request is made. Mr. Littlefield questioned why the Commissioners are fighting for the town and not the residents of the village. Mrs. Polansky said that statement was not true and that Mr. Littlefied did not understand the paving process. Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting – June 23, 2014

Nancy, a new tenant, spoke noting Stern Village is a lovely place and that she likes to be here.

She mentioned the world of different between the Bridgeport Housing Authority and the THA.

She is thankful of all the things she has here and thanked the residents for making her feel welcomed

Treasurer’s Report

Ms. Nassrah noted that Mrs. Burr was in the hospital for a while but is now recovering at a rehab center and is improving. Mrs. Fatse reported in her absence that all bills are up to date and paid at this time.

Executive Director’s Report

Mrs. Polansky noted that for the eleven months ending May 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $8,846. Costs appear to be in line with our anticipated costs for all the services anticipated in the budget for the entire year. The loss can be attributed, at the present time, to a decrease in income due to vacancies, which were higher than anticipated, as well as the increased costs in rehabilitating the congregate apartments. As of now the congregate is fully occupied except for one apartment which will be rented by July 2014. The new rent schedule for the new tenant’s will alleviate this loss in the coming year. Some of our expenses are higher, for example medical insurance, utilities, maintenance wages and supplies, and legal costs which are being offset by lower costs to date in property insurance premiums, contract services, outside accountant, and audit fees. We anticipate that our overall costs should even out by the end of the fiscal year because of timing issues with the budget preparation, but we should show a small overall operating loss due to increased rehabilitation work on the Stern Village and Stern Center rental units.

Currently our reserve balance is over $1,584,000 which is approximately $7,136 for each unit in the complex. Our overall cash position as
of May 31, 2014 shows a balance of $1,607,000. We have no Accounts Payable as of May 31, 2014. We are in a strong position to go forward into the year.

Mrs. Polansky felt there was some confusion about the literature that is generated by her office and what is distributed by the non-duly elected or constituted Tenants’ Commission. She noted the Stern Village Voice is from her office and Joy is the editor. Any information received from Mrs. Polansky will have her name on it. If it does not, it is not from her.

Mrs. Polansky noted there are rumors and speculations regarding several topics. She presented this in a Stern Village Position Page, which is attached to the minutes in its entirety. Topics covered included:

1. Rent – all residents have the same base rent which is extremely low.

2. Recertification – Neil has completed the 2014 recertifications. Rent calculations were given to each tenant. State mandated regulations were followed for the calculations. A comprehensive and detailed software system specifically designed for public housing authorities was used to calculate the rents. CHFA procedures were followed as mandated.

3. Speed Bumps – are essential to keeping the residents safe.

4. Paving – previously discussed.

Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting – June 23, 2014


5. Signs – the village is private property but Trumbull residents (not living in Stern Village)continue to walk dogs, dump garbage, solicit and use the parking lot without visiting anyone. Please say something if you see something.

6. Rehabilitation and Renovation – working with Millennium and currently in the preliminary stages to get funding. C.G.S Section 8-64c requires those undertaking a major rehabilitation to develop and implement a Resident Participation Plan and Mrs. Polansky is working with those residents who have shown an interest in participating. CHFA is also providing assistance.


Mrs. Polansky thanked Aquarion for purchasing a Wii Game System and games for the community room and she encouraged all residents to come and use it.

Mrs. Polansky noted Robert Scinto has provided the village with funding to obtain a golf cart
which will be used by the Stern Village Neighborhood Watch. We will also be able to provide transportation for residents to the Community Room for activities. She thanked Don Scinto for his help in getting the golf cart and residents who did the research towards this goal.

The Veterans Association has been contacted to provide us with a new flag located in the circle.

Another speed bump will be installed at the entrance of the village to prevent drivers from driving around the bump currently in place which is extremely dangerous for oncoming cars.

THA Recap

Mrs. Polansky provided a recap of activities from January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014 and noted the following. Full report is attached to these minutes in its entirety.

1. Resident Service Coordinator has been approved and will start by August 1, 2014.

2. Sink strainers are still available.

3. Rehabilitation and
Renovation – she is meeting with an environmental specialist; an RFQ has been placed.

4. Substitute cooks have been very good.

5. Sixteen (16) additional non-smoking rooms have designated.

6. University of Bridgeport students have designed a new logo and map.


Unfinished Business


New Business

Ms. Nassrah noted that Mrs. Scarpantonio resigned as a Commissioner because of work obligations. Janice Kopchik has been elected and she is very familiar with the village because her grandfather was a resident for many years. She noted the remaining Commissioners will maintain their current titles and duties with Ms. Burr as Treasurer, Ms. Nassrah as Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Donofrio as Secretary and Mrs. Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting – June 23, 2014

Fatse as Assistant Treasurer. Mrs. Nassrah moved that Janice Kopchik be appointed as Chairman of the Commission, seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.

Executive Session

Mrs. Kopchik noted there was no Executive Session.


There being no further business, it was moved by Mrs. Kopchik to adjourn the meeting at 4:40pm, seconded by Ms. Nassrah, and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall



Minutes THA May 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority
May 19, 2014
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Linda Nassrah, Susan Fatse, Thelma Burr and Suzanne Donofrio

Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

The meeting was called to order at 4:08 pm by Commissioner Nassrah. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes
Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah, seconded by Ms. Burr, to approve the minutes of the THA of April 28, 2014 as written. Approved unanimously.

Resident Comments
Mr. Paul Littlefield noted that both Executive Director Polansky and the Tenants’ Association agree that safety within the village is the first concern. He requested the THA hire a contractor to sweep Hedgehog Circle, including along the curbs, to clean up loose gravel, stones, dirt and debris that has accumulated. He felt this debris is an eyesore which detracts from the quality of life in the village and adversely affects the marketability of vacant units. He noted there should be sufficient funds in the non-restricted retained earnings account, which showed a balance of over $238,000 as of December 31, 2013, to hire a contractor to clean the streets.

With regard to the THA’s vote on the budgets for the village and congregate for fiscal year 2014-2015, Mr. Littlefield requested an explanation as to why line item 4160, Pensions and Other Funds, has been running over 200% in excess of budget. He requested clarification on the Other Funds and what steps have been taken to correct the situation.

Mr. Littlefield also questioned what amount has been budgeted for village rental income in excess of the base and if the projected base rental income is at the same level as this year.

He also requested when budgets will be available for review as they have not been placed on the website.

Ms. Nassrah thanked Mr. Littlefield and noted that some of his concerns will be addressed in the Executive Director’s report. Anything unable to be addressed will be presented at a later time.

Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Burr noted all payments for the month of May have been made.

Executive Director’s Report
Mrs. Polansky reported for the ten months ending April 30, 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $7,414. Costs appear to be in line with anticipated costs for all the services anticipated in the budget for the entire year. The loss can be attributed, at the present time, to a decrease income due to vacancies which are higher than anticipated for our provision for vacancy loss calculation mandated by the State. We now anticipate that the vacancies will diminish in the coming months and the new rent schedule for the new tenants will alleviate this loss. Some expenses are higher, for example, medical insurance, water, cable TV, maintenance wages and supplies, and legal costs which are being offset by lower costs to date in property insurance premiums, contract services, outside accountant and audit fees. Anticipated overall costs should even out by the end of the fiscal year because of timing issues with the budget preparation. Currently the reserve balance is over $1,701,000 which is approximately $7,317 for each unit in the complex. Overall cash position as of April 30, 2014 shows a balance of $1,653,000 and accounts payable of approximately $31,929. We received our fourth quarter payment from the state for the subsidy of congregate services for the year ending June 30, 2014.

We are in a strong position to go forward into the year. A new air conditioning unit has been installed in the congregate and we will be continuing to look at other projects to further improve and upgrade the facility within the realm of affordability and need. We have contracted with the Millennium Group in obtaining grants through various state agencies and the process of evaluating our requirements, goals and feasibility will begin this week. We are in the process of developing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for architectural design services.

Mrs. Polansky noted the town is responsible for maintaining the main road. She will contact the town to see what can be done with regard to the first request. In order to pave the entire village, it would cost over $1,000,000 and this will be addressed with Millennium.

Over the last few weeks, we had a severe rain storm and over 75,000 gallons of water were removed from the apartments. We are looking at this very closely as well.

There is an issue with handicapped parking spots in that there are not enough. She encouraged the residents to have aides and visitors park a distance from their units as more handicapped spots will be put in.

Mrs. Polansky and others went to a CHFA meeting last week and she noted we are considered a property in distress. This is not just us, but other properties as major improvements have not been done since the original construction over 40 years ago. That is why we contracted with Millennium and will be doing a 20 year sustainable plan. We will be looking at creative ways to get funding to rehabilitate the buildings and the congregate. We must look at the property, meaning Stern Village and Stern Center, very closely. We will need an environmental firm and an architectural design firm to assess the property. Mrs. Polansky will be looking at structural needs first. The inside of the apartments will be beautiful and energy efficient using the highest technology possible; also looking into solar and geothermal grants.

Mrs. Polansky noted the animals have been a problem at night and are opening up the trash containers. Steps are being taken to prevent this but she asked that all trash be disposed of appropriately and the lids closed. RWS is making signs so residents will be aware.

Scrap metal is collected in the back of the property and in the dumpster area. This collection is for us as we turn this in for money. It should not be taken by anyone for their personal gain.

A new map of the village, completed by the University of Bridgeport as a class project, was presented.

Mrs. Polansky noted she is looking very closely at costs and how she can save. One area may be with non-food items for the congregate. She is looking at different vendors.

Ms. Nassrah noted at the last meeting a resident commented the waste management company was not emptying the garbage cans appropriately. Mrs. Polansky noted they are emptying them fully.

Ms. Nassrah asked how many vacancies they currently have. Mrs. Polansky noted there are four vacancies with expected move in date as of June 1 and July 1 after rehab of the units. The congregate has one vacancy.

Unfinished Business
No unfinished business.

New Business
Ms. Nassrah noted the THA would be approving the Management Plan for Stern Village, the Management plan for Stern Center and the Congregate Services Plan. These plans have been reviewed by the commissioners. Ms. Nassrah made a motion to approve the resolution for the Management Plan for Stern Village, Management Plan for Stern Center and the Congregate Services Plan for the fiscal year of July 1, 2104 – June 30, 2015. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio. Discussion.

Mrs. Polansky noted they have not raised rents this year. Any raise was for the new tenants for the past year and has provided additional income. However, there has not been a significant turnover of apartments so only 20 residents have been affected by the new rents.

Mrs. Polansky noted that one change is the addition of a Resident Services Coordinator (RSC) position. This position was turned down by the previous administration but housing authorities of this size have an RSC on staff. Responsibilities will include:
1. Assessing the individual needs of the residents and working with them to establish and maintain linkages to needed support services and assure compliance with the rules and regulations in the THA Admittance and Continued Occupancy Policy (available this summer).
2. Maintaining regular contact with the residents, monitoring the delivery of support services, providing assistance/advocacy as related to assistance and social services to all residents.
3. Providing up-to-date information and clarification regarding programs.
4. Be knowledgeable about Medicare and Medicaid and can make a phone call for services for all residents.
5. Maintaining/facilitating relationships with community resources.
6. Acting as liaison with local care providers, hospitals to ensure successful discharge from facilities and transition of residents to their apartments.
7. Working with residents and families when planning a transfer to a nursing home or long term care facility.
8. Facilitating the resolution of inter-residential conflicts and resident family difficulties
9. Working with the Executive director, Stern Village Neighborhood Watch and the THA Board to make sure everything is running smoothly.
10. Planning employee training sessions and educating the residents
11. Promoting a positive social climate that fosters the resident’s psycho-social well-being by developing, implementing and monitoring education and therapeutic programs for resident participation.

This individual will work with all residents and will be a hands-on type of role.

Hours of the Community Room were discussed. Hours are now until 7pm. This will be put in the monthly newsletter so residents are aware of the late hours. Often times the building is not utilized when it is time to lock it.

The motion to approve the resolution for the Management Plan for Stern Village, Management Plan for Stern Center and the Congregate Services Plan for the fiscal year of July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 as made at the May 19, 2014 regular board meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority (THA) was unanimously approved by the THA Board of Commissioners.

Executive Session
Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter at 4:32 pm. Invited individuals will be Mrs. Polansky and Mr. Gerhardt. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously. Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to end the Executive Session at 4:38 pm, seconded by Mrs. Donofrio. Approved unanimously.

There being no further business, motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to adjourn the meeting at 4:38 pm; seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall

These minutes are considered a draft until approved at the next meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority.

Minutes-THA-May 2014

THA Board Minutes for April 28, 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority

April 28, 2014

4:00 pm

Community Room of Stern Village


Commissioners Present: Linda Nassrah, Susan Fatse and Thelma Burr


Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky


The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Commissioner Nassrah. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Nassrah wished Thelma Burr a happy 90th birthday on April 29.


Past Minutes

Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah, seconded by Mrs. Fatse, to approve the minutes as written. Unanimous.


Resident Comments

Mr. Paul Littlefield expressed the concern of the Tenants Association regarding the condition of the roadways, lanes and parking areas within the Village noting this is mainly a walking community. He referred to an agreement given to him by Town Attorney Walsh between the Town of Trumbull and the Trumbull Housing Authority stating that the town was responsible for Hedgehog Circle. He requested information on when Hedgehog Circle was on the repaving schedule and that this information be shared with the tenants. Mrs. Polansky noted the Town is not responsible for paving since the THA is private. Mr. Littlefield stated the Tenants Association is ready to assist and support this effort by gathering petition signatures and attending meetings. The Association is also asking for a seat at the table which is a concept endorsed by several organizations. He requested that the Association be allowed to help the Housing Authority with this project. Ms. Nassrah noted the Housing Authority is aware of the situation. Mrs. Polansky noted this is a huge issue and she is working on it but they need to get funding in order to move forward. Ms. Nassrah stated they will look into the document referred to
by Mr. Littlefield. Ms. Nassrah questioned how many individuals were in the Tenants Association. Mr. Littlefield declined to answer as it is a private


Treasurer’s Report

Mrs. Burr noted all payments for the month of March have been made.


Executive Director’s Report

Mrs. Polansky reported for the nine months ending March 31, 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $7,285. Costs appear to be in line with anticipated costs for all the services anticipated in the budget for the entire year. The loss can be attributed, at the present time, to a decrease in income due to vacancies which actually represents the provision for vacancy loss calculation mandated by the
State. We now anticipate the vacancies will diminish in the coming months and the new rent schedule for the new tenants will alleviate this loss. Some of the expenses are higher such as medical insurance, water, cable TV and maintenance supplies which are being offset by lower
costs to date in property insurance premiums, contract services, outside accountant and audit fees. All costs should even out by the end of the fiscal year because of timing issues with the budget preparation. Currently the reserve balance is over $1,701,000 which is approximately $7,517 for each unit in the complex. Overall cash position as of March 31, 2014 shows a balance of $1,625,000. Accounts Payable is approximately $28,965. We have received the 4th quarter payment from the State for the subsidy of congregate services for the year ended June 30, 2014.


We are in a strong position to go forward into the year. She is hoping to make some improvements and will be continuing to look further at other projects to improve and upgrade the facility. She is looking forward to working with the Millennium Group and making renovations.


Mrs. Polansky also noted the following:

  1. New signs are up; they are reflective. Thank you to the Rotary Club for their support.
  2. Press release to the Trumbull Times looking for volunteers to work on raised gardens throughout the village. She is also looking to put in a tranquility garden. Sean Hopper, a Boy Scout who did projects at the village, will return to help clean up some of the areas.
  3. The village neighborhood watch is working hard to help safeguard the residents. Residents have taken it seriously and are speaking up about things they see. Her slogan is “See It – Say It”.
  4. The inside and outside of the apartments need to be kept clean to deter bugs and animals. This is a health issue. It was noted by one resident that the trash hauler is only emptying the full trash receptacles and leaving the ones that ate partially filled. Mrs. Polansky will look into this.
  5. The lighting project has been completed. Residents are happy and she has had many compliments.
  6. Alex Rauso from the Fire Marshal’s office gave a presentation at the
    April Tuesday Tea. He spoke about kitchen fire prevention and left a sheet with tips for the residents. It was noted that any grease spills
    need to be cleaned up immediately.
  7. Representatives from the WPCA presented a program on what not to flush down the toilets. A fact sheet has been put together.
  8. Sink strainers have been distributed to the residents to catch what goes down the drains in the sinks. Any resident who did not receive one should come to the office.
  9. Coleen Figliuzzi and Jennifer Gillis have new programs for the elderly and care takers and are willing to make a presentation.
  10. Mrs. Polansky is working on getting transportation from GBT to Bridge House for residents that do not drive. This is a wonderful social organization.


Trumbull Housing Authority Bylaws

It was moved by Ms. Nassrah to approve the revised bylaws of the Trumbull Housing Authority; seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.




Trumbull Housing Authority Procurement Policy

Ms. Nassrah noted this document is required and provides guidelines for purchasing. It was moved by Ms. Nassrah to approve the new procurement policy; seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.


Executive Session

Ms. Nassrah moved to go into Executive Session to discuss tenant issues at 4:28pm. Attendees are Ms. Nassrah, Mrs. Fatse, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Polansky and Neil Gerhardt. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously. Motion was made to come out of Executive Session at 4:48pm by Ms. Nassrah, seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.



There being no further business, motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to adjourn the meeting at 4:49pm; seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,



Barbara Crandall




These minutes are considered a draft until approved at the next meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority.



Minutes THA February 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority

February 24, 2014


Community Room of Stern Village

Director’s Present: Chairwoman Linda Scarpantonio; Suzanne Donofrio and Susan Fatse. Also present Executive Director Harriet Polansky.


Director’s Absent: Thelma Burr and Linda Nassrah


The meeting was called to order at 4:13 pm by Chairwoman, Linda Scarpantonio. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Past Minutes

Chairman Scarpantonio noted the first item on the agenda was to approve the minutes of the Trumbull Housing Authority dated January 13, 2014, which had been previously distributed. Two revisions were made. Corrections to Mrs. Polansky’s name to reflect “y” not “I”; and on page 2 under Mrs. Polansky’s report, paragraph under water heaters should read “JK Energy/UI” for clarification. Chairwoman Scarpantonio moved that the minutes be approved as revised. Seconded
by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.


Bills & Communications

Mrs. Fatse reported in the absence of Ms. Burr that all bills have been paid to date.


Executive Director Report

Mrs. Polansky reported on the financial status noting that for the seven months ending January 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $5,056. Costs appear to be in line with our anticipated costs for all the services we anticipated in the budget for the entire year. The loss can be attributed at the present time to a decrease in income due to vacancies. We anticipate vacancies will diminish in the coming
months and that the new rent schedule for the new tenants will alleviate this loss. Some expenses are higher including medical insurance, electricity, water, cable TV and maintenance supplies which are being offset by lower costs to date in property insurance premiums, contract services, outside account and audit fees. All these costs should even out by the end of the fiscal year because of timing issues
with the budget preparation.


Current reserve balance is over $1,678,000 which is approximately $7,554 for each
unit in the complex. The overall cash position as of January 31, 2014 shows a balance of $1,639,000 with accounts payable of approximately $20,856.


Mrs. Polansky stated we are in a strong position to go forward into the year and are hoping to make some improvements. We will be continuing to further look at other projects to improve and upgrade our facility within the realm of affordability and need. We have contacted some outside experts in possibly obtaining grants through various state agencies. We have received some proposals from these companies to assist us in obtaining funds for improving the overall facility. We will be reviewing them to see which of the firms would be beneficial for the THA to employ to assist in this endeavor.


The lighting project should start this Wednesday after weather delays in the past. It is hoped that the new signage at the entrance of the facility will deter people from various activities such as walking their dogs, as this is private property.


Recertification of tenants has been going well. All tenants received a letter in the mail and we are following procedures and making sure our residents are providing us with the right information.


The fill-in cooks are saving us approximately $140 by not utilizing outside caterers. Any non-resident who wishes to eat here, i.e. family members, visitors to residents, will be charged $10.00 per meal starting March 1.


We have used a lot of
salt this season and hope to have enough to last the next few weeks. Residents were encouraged to use the remaining salt with this in mind.


The Sewer Department came to clear the lines due to a back-up of sinks in the middle units. They were clogged with grease.


Mrs. Polansky met with Professor Gary Munch from the school of graphic design at the University of Bridgeport to discuss his students helping with new design templates for a Stern Village logo, updated newsletter and design enhancements to our website. This is a wonderful opportunity for the residents and students to work together. A committee will be created of residents to review these changes.


Mrs. Polansky thanked the Nichols Garden Club for their Valentine’s Day arrangements. She noted the club will return later in the spring to speak with residents regarding growing and planting flowers.


Aquarion will be conducting a water efficiency study within the next few weeks in every apartment.


Mrs. Polansky also thanked the maintenance department and residents for helping to shovel during the snow storms.


Unfinished Business



New Business

  1. Discussion/Resolution for HVAC maintenance contract for the congregate: Discussion was held regarding the four proposals received by Mrs. Polansky. Mrs. Polansky noted references have been reviewed although Edgerton has done work at the facility and she has been pleased with their response and fees. It was moved by Chairman Scarpantonio that the Trumbull Housing Authority accept the proposal of Edgerton Inc. for the HVAC maintenance contract for the congregate. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse. Approved unanimously. Mrs. Polansky will present the contract to the directors for review when it is received.
  2. Discussion/Resolution for THA Bylaws: This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting so that the two remaining directors could formally respond with their approval.


Public Speaking

Mr. Littlefield questioned the directors about the bulk pick-up at the Village. Mrs. Polansky noted the town will do the bulk pick-up in the spring as they have always done.


Executive Session

Mrs. Scarpantonio made a motion to open an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a personnel issue. Members to be included are Directors Fatse, Donofrio and Scarpontonio and Mrs. Polansky. Seconded by
Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously. Executive sessions began at 4:35pm. Mrs. Scarpontonio moved to reconvene the meeting of the board at 4:45pm. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.



Motion was made by Mrs. Scarpontonio to adjourn the meeting at 4:45pm. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,




Barbara Crandall



Minutes THA December 2013

Trumbull Housing Authority

December 16, 2013 Minutes

The Board of Directors of the Trumbull Housing Authority met for a regular meeting on Monday, December 16, 2013 in the Community Room of Stern Village, 200 Hedgehog Circle,
Trumbull, CT.

Members Present: Chairwoman Linda Scarpantonio, Vice Chairwoman Linda Nassrah, Treasurer Thelma Burr, and Susan Fatse.

Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

The following is a brief summary of the meeting.

A quorum being present, the Chairwoman opened the meeting at 4:05 p.m. with the Roll Call
and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mrs. Scarpantonio congratulated Mrs. Thelma Burr on her re-election as Commissioner.

Approval of Minutes

Motion made
by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman
Nassrah to approve the minutes of November 13, 2013. Vote was unanimous.
Motion carried.

Bills and Communications

Mrs. Thelma Burr reported all account payables current, as of this date.

Report of the Executive Director

Mrs. Harriet Polansky reported as follows:

Mrs. Polansky thanked
the residents of Stern Village for their
help cleaning the snow and ice off of cars over the past couple days, and for clearing pathways for their neighbors. It was very much appreciated.

The financial summary for the period ending November 30, 2013 was discussed. For the months ending on November 30, 2013, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall estimated loss of approximately $817.00. The loss, occurring at Stern Center, as a result of food costs and alternative food service costs, are increasing more quickly than was anticipated. These costs, due to the hiring of a “fill-in” cook, should be decreasing starting in 2014.

Currently, the reserve balance is over $1,709,000.00, which is approximately $7,700.00 for each unit in the complex. The overall cash position as of November 30th shows a balance of $1,605,000.00. As of November 30th, accounts payable are approximately $35,638.00. The THA is in a strong position to move forward into the New Year, and we will continue to enhance Stern Village.

The second quarter subsidy was received from the State for the Congregate Building.

Mrs. Polansky stated that she is committed to rehabilitating and renovating each and every apartment, which will improve the quality of life. Mrs. Polansky is in the process of prioritizing capital needs, and is working with UI, UI vendors, CHFA, and others to determine how to get this accomplished. Twenty residents of the Village were chosen recently for UI assessment, however all of the Village will have a UI assessment. They are working with UI partners, including New Opportunities and ABCD, on providing free energy assessments to every Stern Village resident. This also includes installing new energy saving light bulbs, installing water savers, and caulking around windows.

The energy upgrades suggested by UI and their partners, are over $1,000,000.00. UI will provide help to defray the costs; they will advise after January 1, 2014.

The THA is also seeking firms to help with funding for rehabilitation, and will be advertising for a request for proposal in order to evaluate firms to help rehabilitate and find redevelopment funding for the apartments at Stern Village. This will not cost the Trumbull Housing Authority anything. Once the right firm is selected, several resident meetings will be held to discuss the plans and how this will positively impact the residents. A noticeable impact will most likely be realized in the next few years.

Mrs. Polansky also discussed some highlights of the accomplishments from 2013. The Village now has a generator and emergency shelter. Working with the office of Emergency Management and the Emergency Management team proved successful in making sure a readiness plan was put together. Outlets for cell phone chargers were installed in the Congregate and in the Community Room, an ‘Are You Okay’ Program was created, and tenant profile forms were also created. Mrs. Polansky also collaborated with the Trumbull Rotary, and a grant was received to provide Stern Village with 60 cots, linens, and pillows. Negotiations were made to provide a trailer to store these items, and if needed, water and supplies can also be obtained.

The Tuesday Teas have been very
informative, and a lot of feedback has been received. Many guest speakers have come to the Village, including Judge T.R. Rowe, Mark Mancini, Manager of the Trumbull Stop and Shop, and Joseph Laucella, Chief of the Trumbull Emergency Medical Service. First Selectman Tim Herbst provided an overview of Trumbull and the plans for Trumbull Center. A program on preying on the elderly and how companies take advantage of the elderly, as well as how to protect oneself against this, was also presented at the Village. Mrs. Polansky enlists guest speakers on relevant and timely issues.

A fire drill was successfully conducted in the Congregate in the spring.

Stern Village
now has Wi Fi in the Community Room and Dining Room.

Mrs. Polansky personally thanked the Stern Village Neighborhood Watch that was set up and validated. A new resident parking policy was also implemented, and a lot of parking issues have been settled.

A security audit was done. Speed bumps were installed as well as appropriate signage and cameras to distract possible intruders.

There have been a lot of events and activities for the residents of Stern Village. The
Rotarians held a special meeting at the Village. The first flu clinic was held successfully. Movie night is held bi-monthly at 6 p.m., and popcorn is served. A craft program was held, and the Boy Scouts completed a beautification project, including a garden with lavender.

Mrs. Polansky noted that a lot was done, and she will continue working with community and corporate partnerships including the Rotary Club, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, Sal’s Pizza, Vazzy’s, Hancock Pharmacy, and others. Mrs. Polansky thanked these businesses.

Mrs. Polansky also mentioned obtaining computers and holding weekly computer lessons, as well as obtaining a pool table at Stern Village, and noted that many companies have been more than generous.

A new software system was implemented, PHA Web, which allows the staff to operate Stern Village in a more efficient and effective manner for recertifying tenants, tracking applications, waitlists, conducting the lottery, managing and tracking fulfillment of work orders, record keeping, all financials, rent due, various reporting mechanisms, and a lot more.

The stratification plan was discussed.

Thanks to a grant, the Village has a flat screen television and DVD player. They also have upgraded to a Charter TV package.

Mrs. Polansky worked with the GBTA to provide free bus service to the residents.

Mrs. Polansky worked with the director of the Mary J. Sherlach Counseling Center, and established counseling services in the Congregate Building and the Community Room, which has led to fewer resident disputes.

JK Energy and UI have provided lighting replacements and upgrades around the Village.

There is a new roof for the Congregate Building, which is the first capital improvement that has been made in several years.

Approximately 20 smoking apartments have been converted to non-smoking apartments, and that transition will be continued.

Stern Village has launched its own website, sternvillage.com.

Mrs. Polansky noted that these are just a few things that have been accomplished since February of this year. She thanked the Trumbull Housing Authority Commission for all of their time, energy, and efforts they put into serving Stern Village.

Mrs. Polansky discussed the updated animal policy. It was explained that tenants are allowed 1 companion or service animal based on a tenant’s medical need, and the animal must have a tag attached to its collar showing that the animal has been inoculated with the anti-rabies vaccine, and that the animal has been properly licensed. The animal must wear a collar at all times. Mrs.
Polansky also discussed many of the rules for having an animal. The importance of an emergency contact for the animal should the tenant become unavailable was also discussed.

Old Business


New Business

The first item of new business is to act upon a resolution to approve a revised
animal policy with regard to companion and service animals.

Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman
Nassrah for the Trumbull Housing Authority to approve a revised animal policy
which sets forth the Trumbull Housing Authority’s rules for those residents who
require a companion or service animal. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

The second item of new business is to act upon a resolution to approve the final
revised union contract between the Trumbull Housing Authority and the Local
1303-404 of Connecticut Council 4 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, for all employees of the maintenance department of the Trumbull Housing Authority, the terms of which were adopted at a regular meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority Board of Commissioners on October 28, 2013.

Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Treasurer Thelma
Burr for the Trumbull Housing Authority to approve the final revised union contract between the Trumbull Housing Authority and the Local 1303-404 of Connecticut Council 4 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, for all employees of the maintenance department of the Trumbull Housing Authority, the terms of which were adopted at a regular meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority Board of Commissioners on October 28, 2013. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Public Speaking



There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the
meeting at 4:32 p.m. with unanimous consent.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dawn Kosarko

Minutes-THA-Dec. 2013

Minutes THA November 2013

Trumbull Housing Authority
November 13, 2013
The Board of Directors of the
Trumbull Housing Authority met for a regular meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 in the Community Room of Stern Village, 200 Hedgehog Circle, Trumbull, CT.
Members Present: Chairwoman Linda Scarpantonio, Vice Chairwoman Linda Nassrah, and
Treasurer Thelma Burr.
Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky
The following is a brief summary of the meeting.
A quorum being present, the Chairwoman opened the meeting at 3:00 p.m. with the Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Executive Session
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah to enter into executive session at 3:03 p.m. for the purpose of discussion regarding personnel policies and procedures, and litigation. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried. Executive session ended at 3:43 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah to approve the minutes of October 28, 2013, as revised. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Bills and Communications
Ms. Thelma Burr reported all account payables current, as of this date.
Report of the Executive Director
Ms. Harriet Polansky reported as follows:
$2,179.57 was received from the State for recreational improvements for Stern Village. This is called the Small Improvement Program. This paid for the television and the Charter upgrade.
Movie night has been a huge success, bringing in an average of 20-25 people. Ms. Polansky thanked everyone for their help and participation with this event.
United Illuminating will continue to be looked into for different partnerships regarding issues
like heat pumps in each of the apartments, and other energy efficiencies. There will be more information about this at the upcoming Tuesday Tea.
A new HVAC system is needed in the Congregate Building, and bids and proposals are currently being received from different sources.
The Rotarians held their meeting at Stern Village recently, and it was a very big success. Ms. Polansky will be meeting with the President of the Rotary this week to discuss funding for signs in the Village.
There have been articles in the Trumbull Times recently, and needed items were received, such as reflective vests, flashlights, batteries, and raingear for 4 people. All donations are always appreciated.
The election will be held next Wednesday, November 20, from 9-11 a.m. If anyone is unable to attend, absentee ballots are provided. They must be filled out correctly, and they are due by Tuesday, November 19 at 3 p.m.
The roof work has been completed. Ms. Polansky thanked Don Scinto for
all of his help with this project.
First Selectman Tim Herbst visited Stern Village this week to say hello, and he also looked at the finished roof.
Ms. Polansky will be holding her Tuesday Tea next Tuesday, November 19, at 10 a.m. First Selectman Tim Herbst was also invited to the Tea.
Ms. Polansky also discussed the problem of drafts coming in through the doors of some of the apartments. She noted that they are currently working with UI and exploring new opportunities to correct this issue. UI has recently been assessing several apartments, and they will be coming back to assess 20 additional apartments. They will be coming in to measure the efficiency of the apartments, and qualification for a program for heat pumps, windows, and other items can then be determined based on the information that is collected.
Ms. Polansky also discussed the upcoming election, as well as issues concerning appointment terms. She answered several questions pertaining to the election.
Old Business
New Business
The first item of new business is to act upon a resolution to approve a new employee
handbook for all non-union employees of the Trumbull Housing Authority.
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Ms. Burr for the Trumbull Housing Authority to approve a new employee handbook for all non-union employees of the Trumbull Housing Authority, which sets forth a detailed guide of the policies and procedures of the Trumbull Housing Authority. Vote was unanimous.
Motion carried.
The second item of new business is to act upon a resolution to amend a motion previously adopted by the Board of Commissioners on June 24, 2013, concerning the Trumbull Housing Authority’s policy related to public speaking by residents only at the Trumbull Housing Authority Board Meetings. The proposed amendment shall permit residents to discuss topics not set forth on the meeting’s agenda well as topics included on that meeting’s agenda.
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah for the Trumbull Housing Authority to amend a motion previously adopted by the Board of Commissioners on June 24, 2013, concerning the Trumbull Housing Authority’s policy related to public speaking by residents only at Trumbull Housing Authority Board Meetings. Effective at the next regular meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority, public speaking by residents only shall be expanded to include topics not set forth on that meeting’s agenda, as well as topics included on that meeting’s agenda. Every other aspect of the resident public speaking policy previously adopted by the Board shall remain unchanged. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Public Speaking
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 3:55 p.m. with unanimous consent.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dawn Kosarko

Minutes-THA-Nov. 2013

Minutes THA October 2013

Trumbull Housing Authority

October 28, 2013

The Board of Directors of the Trumbull Housing Authority met for a regular meeting on Monday, October 28, 2013 in the Community Room of Stern Village, 200 Hedgehog Circle, Trumbull, CT.


Members Present: Chairwoman Linda Scarpantonio, Vice Chairwoman Linda Nassrah,

Secretary Suzanne Donofrio, Thelma Burr, and Susan Fatse.


Also Present:
Executive Director Harriet Polansky


The following is a brief summary of the meeting.


A quorum being present, the Vice Chairwoman opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m. with the Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approval of Minutes


Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah to approve the minutes of September 23, 2013, as revised. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.


Bills and Communications


Ms. Thelma Burr reported all account payables current, as of this date.


Report of the Executive Director


Ms. Harriet Polansky reported as follows:


She presented and reviewed a draft of the financial summary for the quarter ended on September 30, 2013.


Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall estimated loss of approximately $2,472.00. For Stern Village, the loss was $240.00. For Stern Center, the loss was $2,232.00. These were all related to food costs and alternative food services. These numbers are increasing, and they were greater than anticipated.


Currently the reserve balance is over $1,698,000.00, which is approximately $7,650.00 for each
unit in the complex. The overall cash position as of September 30, 2013 shows a balance of $1,635,000.00. Accounts payable is approximately $23,706.00.


Stern Village is in a strong financial position, and improvements have been made. Further projects are being examined to improve the facility. The first quarter subsidy was received from the State for services for the Congregate Building. Hannibal Construction will begin work on the Congregate Building roof this week.


Ms. Polansky thanked Don Scinto, who is on the Planning and Zoning Committee, for assisting with the roofing project. She also noted that he has graciously volunteered his time to help manage the project, and his expertise in construction and building issues, as well as his commitment to serving the residents, does not go unnoticed.


Movie night is currently being held twice a month, and it is going very well.


The site was recently visited on October 17, 2013 by Mentor R. Ameti, Asset Manager from Connecticut Housing Finance Authority(CHFA). Many issues pertaining to Stern Village were discussed, including the UI Lighting Program, funding, and a predevelopment program for small cities. A small grant was applied for, and other capital improvement projects are being looked into.


Random apartment inspections of Stern Village and Stern Center were also discussed. Mr. Ameti visited several apartments randomly and based on his observations, potential fire hazards and other conditions were identified. Letters were sent to these few residents to make the necessary changes by a certain date. Another
full inspection will be made.


Ms. Polansky proceeded to read a letter from Mr. Ameti regarding his site visit and management review of Stern Village and Stern Center. Mr. Ameti concluded that the overall condition of each observed unit and the Community Building were clean and well maintained, and he thanked Ms. Polansky and the staff for their time and cooperation. He was pleased with the amount of work completed in such a short amount of time, as well as with the recent upgrades that were made. It was noted that there are no further corrective actions necessary, and the 2013 review is considered closed.


The upcoming tenant commissioner election was discussed. The candidate name(s) will be posted by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2013. A formalized election will be held.


Ms. Polansky discussed work orders, and the problem of many of them being requested late, resulting in irreparable damage to items like refrigerators and stoves. She also noted that there is no security deposit for any tenant. She presented and read a draft of the proposed Maintenance Charge Policy. A tea will be held to discuss the proposed policy and answer any questions.


The UI Lighting Incentive Program was discussed. Currently, the UI bills for Stern Village are approximately $3,200.00 per month. Additional lighting was also discussed, as well as interior fixtures, LED lighting and fluorescent lighting.


Old Business




New Business


The first item of new business is to act upon a resolution to approve a Small Business Entity Advantage Program with United Illuminating, JK Energy Solutions, LLC. The details of the program were previously distributed to the commissioners for review and have been attached to the meeting agenda, which was posted on the Town website.


Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah to have the Trumbull Housing Authority enter into a standard agreement with JK Energy Solutions, LLC as contractor in its role as a United Illuminating approved vendor for the Small Business Energy Advantage Program at Stern Village. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.


The second item of new business is to act upon a resolution to approve an amendment to the union contract between the Trumbull Housing Authority and the Local 1303-404 of Connecticut Council 4 of the American Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, for the employees of the maintenance department of the Trumbull Housing Authority. The terms of such amendment have been previously distributed to the commissioners for review and have been attached to the meeting agenda, which was posted on the Town website.


Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Ms. Fatse for the Trumbull Housing Authority to enter into an amendment to the union contract between the Trumbull Housing Authority and the Local 1303-404 of Connecticut Council 4 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, for employees of the maintenance department of the Trumbull Housing Authority. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.


Public Speaking


  1. Carlos Vazquez- He mentioned roadwork, however this topic was not on

the meeting agenda, so he was informed that he could send a letter
or other type of correspondence to the Board or meet with Ms. Harriet Polansky
to discuss this issue.




There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. with unanimous consent.



Respectfully Submitted,





Dawn Kosarko


THA Minutes for Oct. 2013