THA Board Minutes for April 28, 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority

April 28, 2014

4:00 pm

Community Room of Stern Village


Commissioners Present: Linda Nassrah, Susan Fatse and Thelma Burr


Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky


The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Commissioner Nassrah. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Nassrah wished Thelma Burr a happy 90th birthday on April 29.


Past Minutes

Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah, seconded by Mrs. Fatse, to approve the minutes as written. Unanimous.


Resident Comments

Mr. Paul Littlefield expressed the concern of the Tenants Association regarding the condition of the roadways, lanes and parking areas within the Village noting this is mainly a walking community. He referred to an agreement given to him by Town Attorney Walsh between the Town of Trumbull and the Trumbull Housing Authority stating that the town was responsible for Hedgehog Circle. He requested information on when Hedgehog Circle was on the repaving schedule and that this information be shared with the tenants. Mrs. Polansky noted the Town is not responsible for paving since the THA is private. Mr. Littlefield stated the Tenants Association is ready to assist and support this effort by gathering petition signatures and attending meetings. The Association is also asking for a seat at the table which is a concept endorsed by several organizations. He requested that the Association be allowed to help the Housing Authority with this project. Ms. Nassrah noted the Housing Authority is aware of the situation. Mrs. Polansky noted this is a huge issue and she is working on it but they need to get funding in order to move forward. Ms. Nassrah stated they will look into the document referred to
by Mr. Littlefield. Ms. Nassrah questioned how many individuals were in the Tenants Association. Mr. Littlefield declined to answer as it is a private


Treasurer’s Report

Mrs. Burr noted all payments for the month of March have been made.


Executive Director’s Report

Mrs. Polansky reported for the nine months ending March 31, 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $7,285. Costs appear to be in line with anticipated costs for all the services anticipated in the budget for the entire year. The loss can be attributed, at the present time, to a decrease in income due to vacancies which actually represents the provision for vacancy loss calculation mandated by the
State. We now anticipate the vacancies will diminish in the coming months and the new rent schedule for the new tenants will alleviate this loss. Some of the expenses are higher such as medical insurance, water, cable TV and maintenance supplies which are being offset by lower
costs to date in property insurance premiums, contract services, outside accountant and audit fees. All costs should even out by the end of the fiscal year because of timing issues with the budget preparation. Currently the reserve balance is over $1,701,000 which is approximately $7,517 for each unit in the complex. Overall cash position as of March 31, 2014 shows a balance of $1,625,000. Accounts Payable is approximately $28,965. We have received the 4th quarter payment from the State for the subsidy of congregate services for the year ended June 30, 2014.


We are in a strong position to go forward into the year. She is hoping to make some improvements and will be continuing to look further at other projects to improve and upgrade the facility. She is looking forward to working with the Millennium Group and making renovations.


Mrs. Polansky also noted the following:

  1. New signs are up; they are reflective. Thank you to the Rotary Club for their support.
  2. Press release to the Trumbull Times looking for volunteers to work on raised gardens throughout the village. She is also looking to put in a tranquility garden. Sean Hopper, a Boy Scout who did projects at the village, will return to help clean up some of the areas.
  3. The village neighborhood watch is working hard to help safeguard the residents. Residents have taken it seriously and are speaking up about things they see. Her slogan is “See It – Say It”.
  4. The inside and outside of the apartments need to be kept clean to deter bugs and animals. This is a health issue. It was noted by one resident that the trash hauler is only emptying the full trash receptacles and leaving the ones that ate partially filled. Mrs. Polansky will look into this.
  5. The lighting project has been completed. Residents are happy and she has had many compliments.
  6. Alex Rauso from the Fire Marshal’s office gave a presentation at the
    April Tuesday Tea. He spoke about kitchen fire prevention and left a sheet with tips for the residents. It was noted that any grease spills
    need to be cleaned up immediately.
  7. Representatives from the WPCA presented a program on what not to flush down the toilets. A fact sheet has been put together.
  8. Sink strainers have been distributed to the residents to catch what goes down the drains in the sinks. Any resident who did not receive one should come to the office.
  9. Coleen Figliuzzi and Jennifer Gillis have new programs for the elderly and care takers and are willing to make a presentation.
  10. Mrs. Polansky is working on getting transportation from GBT to Bridge House for residents that do not drive. This is a wonderful social organization.


Trumbull Housing Authority Bylaws

It was moved by Ms. Nassrah to approve the revised bylaws of the Trumbull Housing Authority; seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.




Trumbull Housing Authority Procurement Policy

Ms. Nassrah noted this document is required and provides guidelines for purchasing. It was moved by Ms. Nassrah to approve the new procurement policy; seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.


Executive Session

Ms. Nassrah moved to go into Executive Session to discuss tenant issues at 4:28pm. Attendees are Ms. Nassrah, Mrs. Fatse, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Polansky and Neil Gerhardt. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously. Motion was made to come out of Executive Session at 4:48pm by Ms. Nassrah, seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.



There being no further business, motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to adjourn the meeting at 4:49pm; seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,



Barbara Crandall




These minutes are considered a draft until approved at the next meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority.



Posted in Minutes.