Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting
November 27, 2017
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village
Commissioners Present: Chairman Janice Kopchik, Deborah Dowd and Suzanne Donofrio
Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky
Commissioners Absent: Susan Fatse and Paul Niebuhr
The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Chairman Kopchik followed by Roll Call and the Pledge of
Past Minutes
The following changes were made by Ms. Polansky to the October 23, 2017 minutes:
Under Executive Director’s Report, seventh paragraph should read: Ms. Polansky thanked the Stern
Village Resident Association for hosting a wonderful potluck luncheon for the residents. This was also to
welcome the new residents. Nick took the lead to make the event amazing. Approximately 46 residents
attended the program. Everyone had a good time. It is hoped to make this an annual evet. Nick gave
small handmade metal garden decorations to everyone who helped or attended.
Mrs. Kopchik motioned to approve the minutes of October 23, 2017 as amended. Seconded by Ms.
Dowd and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Dowd reported for the Trumbull Housing Authority for the period ending October 31, 2017. Stern
Village and Stern Center currently have an overall gain of $124,312. This is attributable to the filling of
numerous vacancies in the Village and the Center. We also received approximately $135,000 from
United Illuminating as incentive for installing heat pumps. Under the new GAAP accounting rules, we
now recognize the incentive as income and not part of the reserve for repairs and maintenance, which
has been eliminated. Currently our reserve balance is $837,531, which is approximately $3,773 for each
unit in the entire complex. Our overall cash position as of October 31, 2017 shows a balance of
$770,906 including our investment account. Accounts Payable is approximately $57,687 including
the PILOT accrual for the current and prior year.
Executive Director’s Report
Ms. Polansky is looking for other projects to improve the facility within the realm of affordability,
need and safety.
Replacement of the windows in the Congregate with new, energy efficient windows should begin in
At the present time, the Village has nine vacancies and the Congregate has three vacancies.
Applications will be accepted for the Village through December 31, 2017.
The recipients for the April SSHP funding round have not been announced by Governor Malloy.
DOH thinks this announcement may be made by the end of December. Ms. Polansky is meeting with
the Town this week to discuss a Small Cities Grant for 2018. Ms. Polansky and Neil are also meeting
with financial institutions to see how they can help us. After the first of the year, the THC will
create a prospectus to be used to ask for major contributions.
Inspections are still in progress and will be completed by the end of December. Letters will be
distributed to residents who have failed part of their inspections. Residents will be given a week to
fix the deficiencies and if the resident still does not pass, Paulette will meet with them and/or
contact their family to intervene. Examples of problems include mold issues, narrow pathways,
damage to residence and overabundance of items.
Ms. Polansky thanked Maureen Bova, Stern Village Resident Association, Paulette and Heather,
Stern Village residents, Trumbull residents, Stop & Shop, International Food Bizarre and Stew
Leonard for helping to make the Stern Village Friendsgiving a huge success. There was an
abundance of turkey and all the fixings and everyone who attended received food items to make
their Thanksgiving dinner extra special.
Ms. Polansky discussed the THA food pantry. There will always be non-perishable foods and they
will also keep paper goods and cleaning items. Residents are encouraged to utilize the pantry if
they are in need. Any donations should be brought to the office.
The next Board meeting is December 18, 2017.
Unfinished Business
Discussion/Possible Action for New Laundry Service Vendor – Ms. Polansky noted there is a revised
agreement since the last Board meeting. This agreement will be for five years and will increase the
cost by $.10 for the first six months and then each year there will be $.05 increase. These will be
new LG machines, they will hold larger loads, they will be on pedestals for each access and will be
more energy efficient. Costs for doing laundry by residents were reviewed. Each resident will
receive a laundry card. Each card will already be loaded with $4.00. The current contract ends on
December 17 and the new vendor will coordinate the changeover. There may be a short lapse
when machines will be unavailable when the new ones are being installed.
Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to approve the agreement for the automatic laundry services.
Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio. Approved unanimously.
New Business
No New Business.
Stern Village Resident Association Updates
Maureen noted the participation for the Friendsgiving was great. Everyone had a lot of fun. The
community has been very generous. This year’s donations were exceptional. Ms. Polansky and Ms.
Dowd thanked Maureen for all her work on this event.
There is a Bingo party for the Bingo players in December. Ms. Polanksy is also having a party on
December 14 funded by ServePro. This will be for 40 residents and will be catered by Creative
Culinary. Grab bag amount will be determined.
The Executive Board is discussing different activities for different ages.
There being no further business, motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to adjourn the meeting at
4:25pm. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio. Approved unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Crandall