Minutes THA November 2013

Trumbull Housing Authority
November 13, 2013
The Board of Directors of the
Trumbull Housing Authority met for a regular meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 in the Community Room of Stern Village, 200 Hedgehog Circle, Trumbull, CT.
Members Present: Chairwoman Linda Scarpantonio, Vice Chairwoman Linda Nassrah, and
Treasurer Thelma Burr.
Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky
The following is a brief summary of the meeting.
A quorum being present, the Chairwoman opened the meeting at 3:00 p.m. with the Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Executive Session
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah to enter into executive session at 3:03 p.m. for the purpose of discussion regarding personnel policies and procedures, and litigation. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried. Executive session ended at 3:43 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah to approve the minutes of October 28, 2013, as revised. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Bills and Communications
Ms. Thelma Burr reported all account payables current, as of this date.
Report of the Executive Director
Ms. Harriet Polansky reported as follows:
$2,179.57 was received from the State for recreational improvements for Stern Village. This is called the Small Improvement Program. This paid for the television and the Charter upgrade.
Movie night has been a huge success, bringing in an average of 20-25 people. Ms. Polansky thanked everyone for their help and participation with this event.
United Illuminating will continue to be looked into for different partnerships regarding issues
like heat pumps in each of the apartments, and other energy efficiencies. There will be more information about this at the upcoming Tuesday Tea.
A new HVAC system is needed in the Congregate Building, and bids and proposals are currently being received from different sources.
The Rotarians held their meeting at Stern Village recently, and it was a very big success. Ms. Polansky will be meeting with the President of the Rotary this week to discuss funding for signs in the Village.
There have been articles in the Trumbull Times recently, and needed items were received, such as reflective vests, flashlights, batteries, and raingear for 4 people. All donations are always appreciated.
The election will be held next Wednesday, November 20, from 9-11 a.m. If anyone is unable to attend, absentee ballots are provided. They must be filled out correctly, and they are due by Tuesday, November 19 at 3 p.m.
The roof work has been completed. Ms. Polansky thanked Don Scinto for
all of his help with this project.
First Selectman Tim Herbst visited Stern Village this week to say hello, and he also looked at the finished roof.
Ms. Polansky will be holding her Tuesday Tea next Tuesday, November 19, at 10 a.m. First Selectman Tim Herbst was also invited to the Tea.
Ms. Polansky also discussed the problem of drafts coming in through the doors of some of the apartments. She noted that they are currently working with UI and exploring new opportunities to correct this issue. UI has recently been assessing several apartments, and they will be coming back to assess 20 additional apartments. They will be coming in to measure the efficiency of the apartments, and qualification for a program for heat pumps, windows, and other items can then be determined based on the information that is collected.
Ms. Polansky also discussed the upcoming election, as well as issues concerning appointment terms. She answered several questions pertaining to the election.
Old Business
New Business
The first item of new business is to act upon a resolution to approve a new employee
handbook for all non-union employees of the Trumbull Housing Authority.
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Ms. Burr for the Trumbull Housing Authority to approve a new employee handbook for all non-union employees of the Trumbull Housing Authority, which sets forth a detailed guide of the policies and procedures of the Trumbull Housing Authority. Vote was unanimous.
Motion carried.
The second item of new business is to act upon a resolution to amend a motion previously adopted by the Board of Commissioners on June 24, 2013, concerning the Trumbull Housing Authority’s policy related to public speaking by residents only at the Trumbull Housing Authority Board Meetings. The proposed amendment shall permit residents to discuss topics not set forth on the meeting’s agenda well as topics included on that meeting’s agenda.
Motion made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Nassrah for the Trumbull Housing Authority to amend a motion previously adopted by the Board of Commissioners on June 24, 2013, concerning the Trumbull Housing Authority’s policy related to public speaking by residents only at Trumbull Housing Authority Board Meetings. Effective at the next regular meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority, public speaking by residents only shall be expanded to include topics not set forth on that meeting’s agenda, as well as topics included on that meeting’s agenda. Every other aspect of the resident public speaking policy previously adopted by the Board shall remain unchanged. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Public Speaking
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 3:55 p.m. with unanimous consent.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dawn Kosarko

Minutes-THA-Nov. 2013

Posted in Minutes.