Trumbull Housing Authority – March 27, 2017
Trumbull Housing Authority
March 27, 2017
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village
Commissioners Present: Chairman Janice Kopchik, Susan Fatse, Deborah Dowd, Suzanne Donofrio and Paul Niebuhr
Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky and George Wiles from Wiles Architects
The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm by Chairman Kopchik followed by Roll Call and the Pledge of
Past Minutes
Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to approve the minutes of February 27, 2017, as written. Seconded
by Mrs. Fatse. Approved with abstentions by Mr. Niebuhr and Mrs. Donofrio.
Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Dowd reported for the Trumbull Housing Authority for the period ending February 28, 2017. Stern
Village and Stern Center currently has an overall loss of approximately $51,981. This is attributable to
the numerous vacancies in the Village and the Center reducing the rental income, as well as additional
legal expenses and costs of medical insurance, other insurances, and utility costs. Currently, the reserve
balance is $1,491,145, which is approximately $6,717 for each unit in the entire complex.
Director’s Report
Ms. Polansky reported the overall cash position as of February 28, 2017, showed a balance of $907,025,
including the investment account. Accounts Payable is approximately $47,461, including our PILOT
accrual for the current year. Ms. Polansky will continue to look at other projects to further improve the
facility within the realm of affordability, need, and security.
Repairs are continuing for Unit #16. The boiler and sprinkler system was repaired in the Congregate. In
the Village, the circuit breakers were repaired and replaced as well as removal of some trees and
pruning to alleviate the sewer system problems.
Applications are being accepted for six vacancies in Stern Village starting April 3. Applications will be
accepted for non‐smokers only.
Ms. Polansky noted that with impending snow storms, the residents are alerted to stay indoors until the
Maintenance crew can plow the roads and sidewalks. She receives storm updates every two hours and
is in contact with EMS and the Office of Emergency Management. She also calls UI to remind them, if
the power goes out, the THA Center has priority. Extra help was hired to clear the sidewalks. In order to
expedite plowing, it is mandatory that residents take their belongings off the porches. Most residents
comply. She reminded residents that this is still independent living and to not ask the Maintenance
crew to clear off cars or help shovel. There are some wonderful residents that do help others in the
Village when needed.
There will be a resident meeting with John Barry in April to discuss the logistics for the heat pumps.
Letters will be sent informing the residents of what to expect. One hundred eighty-six units will have
pumps installed. It is up to the resident if they want to use it or not. All residents were sent a letter
regarding the pumps.
Ms. Polansky is working with the Small Cities Consultant hired by the Town of Trumbull for new
windows for 186 units. There are many documents to fill out.
Home Depot will be asked to help to create gardens in the back of the Congregate that were started by
the residents no longer here.
Ms. Polansky discussed moss and mold. Moss is mostly on the ground or on the roofs that do not get a
lot of sun. New roofs are being explored for units 1‐100.
Unfinished Business
Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to approve the minutes of February 13, 2017, Special Board meeting
as written. Seconded by Mr. Niebuhr and approved with abstentions from Mrs. Dowd and Mrs. Kopchik.
New Business
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Trumbull Housing Corporation 501(c)3 – Ms. Polansky
noted the State wants the Center to leverage every source possible to get funding into Stern Village.
One way to accomplish this is to set up a non‐profit 501(c)3. This will give the ability to fundraise, ask
for donations and apply for HTCC (Housing Tax Credit Contribution) funds. Under the HTCC program, a non‐profit corporation can receive up to $500,000 annually in State tax credits that can then be sold to
State business firms in return for cash contributions to the non‐profit corporation’s housing program.
Ms. Polansky noted we have the opportunity to identify three consecutive rounds of HTCC funding (with
THC as the nonprofit co‐sponsor) for a total of $1.5 million in sources for the SSHP application
(maximum annual award of $500,000 each) earmarked for future unit renovations. Assuming we receive the 501(c)3 designation from the IRS by the end of this year, we can apply for the 2018 HTCC round. Ms. Polansky is looking for various ways to bring this money in through fundraising, endowments, galas, other donations, etc.
Mrs. Kopchik noted she would like to be President with Ms. Polansky Vice‐President, as the Executive
Director is required to be on the Board, and Mrs. Fatse as Secretary/Treasurer. Mrs. Kopchik made a
motion to approve the creation of the Trumbull Housing Corporation, a non‐profit 501(c)3. Seconded by
Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously.
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Congregate and Village Leases – Ms. Polansky noted that
over the past several months, the leases for the Congregate and Village have been reviewed, updated
and revised. Attorney Jankovsky provided the correct wording and statutes as well as approved the
revisions made to the new leases. These leases spell out THA rules and regulations and are there to
protect the residents and the THA from wrongdoings. Meetings have been held with residents from the
Congregate and Village. Residents have reviewed prior drafts and Ms. Polansky has answered several
questions. This lease speaks to the animal policy in detail, grievance policy is attached, etc. When
recertifications are done, the residents will be signing the new lease.
Mrs. Kopchik made a motion to approve the new tenant lease for the Stern Village Congregate and the
new tenant lease for Stern Village. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously.
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the AIA Agreement for the 2017 SSHP Application – Ms.
Polansky noted they are entering into another funding round for the 2017 State Sponsored Housing
Program. The application is due around April 24. In 2013, a CNA was done by CHFA. They are looking at critical needs such as repaving the road and the roundabout by the parking lot as well as the walkways;
coordinating with the Town to repave the main loop road; repair sanitary and storm sewers; address
Community Room needs – ADA kitchen and restrooms; domestic hot water tanks; roofing; fascia;, gable
siding; gutters; increased attic insulation; exterior doors and master locksets, and storm doors. Also,
environmental issues, if any and 20 ADA unit conversions.
Mr. Wiles noted the new agreement is a reorganization of all the documents produced to date which
presents a new scope of renovations that matches what Ms. Polansky enumerated. Provides support for
the grants and applications that need to be done in accordance with requirements. Several units will be
redesigned so that it reflects the new scope.
Mr. Wiles noted the current ADA units that were created early in the ADA awareness complied with
regulations at the time. There has been many updates since that time so none of the current units
comply with current regulations. They will be taking the units that have accessible floors underneath in
the crawl spaces to shift toilets and sinks in order to get current clearances. This will be done in the
middle buildings. Ms. Polansky noted currently they have eight. ADA wants them accessible to parking
lots, Community Room and your car. Having the crawl space makes it easier for redesign. Units in Phase 3 will not be done.
Mrs. Kopchik made a motion to approve the AIA Agreement for the 2017 SSHP Application. Seconded
by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.
Update from the Duly Elected Stern Village Resident Association
Mrs. Dowd reported the following:
1. Two vacancies were filled – Ralph Claudio was introduced as a new board member.
2. Request will be submitted for $250 to the Board for paper and printing supplies.
3. John has obtained 180 signatures regarding the repair of the sidewalks and roads. John noted
there is a meeting on Thursday about this with the Town. Encouraged residents to attend to get
4. Gloria is working on the Welcoming Committee. Working on an information booklet for
residents. Ms. Polansky noted she has cards that can be used to send to residents.
5. Traffic light was discussed.
6. Do not have a Secretary/Treasurer. At this time, it is a shared responsibility.
Resident Comments
Joan Conte – Thanked everyone for the walkway she asked for at the last meeting. It worked out well
after the storm.
There being no further business, Mrs. Kopchik moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:37 pm. Seconded by
Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Crandall