Minutes THA June 2018

Trumbull Housing Authority – June 25, 2018

Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting
June 25, 2018
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Chairman Janice Kopchik, Suzanne Donofrio, Deborah Dowd Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

Commissioners Absent: Paul Niebuhr and Douglas Sutherland

The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Chairman Kopchik. This was followed by Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes

The following changes to the minutes of May 21, 2018, were presented:

  1. Under Treasurer’s Report – second sentence from bottom should read “In addition,…”.
  2. New Business – fourth paragraph should read “She sourced several attorneys seeking a local firm who have current experience…”. Also “Attorney Chris Cody and his staff were highly recommended…”.

Mrs. Kopchik motioned to approve the minutes of May 21, 2018, as amended. Seconded by Ms. Dowd and approved.

The following changes to the minutes of the Special Meeting held on June 5, 2018, were presented:

  1. Third paragraph should read “The Trumbull Housing Authority Board of Commissioners”.
  2. Sixth paragraph should read “”order to remodel units in the middle to make them ADA Compliant units.”
  3. Ninth paragraph, Page 2, should read “Cleaning contracts were also higher.” Also “PILOT, or real estate taxes, are always calculated at 3% less vacancies and less utilities.”
  4. Eleventh paragraph, Page 2, should read “Non‐Congregational residents now pay $11.00.”
  5. Under Resident Comments, Page 3, should read “Ms. Polansky announced that the HTCC funding…”.

Mrs. Kopchik motioned to approve the minutes of June 5, 2018, as amended. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Ms. Dowd reported for the Trumbull Housing Authority for the period ending May 31, 2018. Stern Village and Stern Center have an overall gain of approximately $157,109. This is attributable to receiving approximately $135,000 from United Illuminating as the incentive for installing the heat pumps. The current reserve balance is $736,510, which is approximately $3,318 for each unit in the entire complex.


Trumbull Housing Authority – June 25, 2018

Director’s Report

Ms. Polansky reported the overall cash position as of May 31, 2018, shows a balance of $666,957, including the investment account. Accounts Payable is approximate $87,556, including the PILOT accrual for the current year.

At the present time, the village has ten vacancies and the congregate has five vacancies.

With regards to expenses, we expended approximately 8% on Utilities, 25% on Maintenance, 11% on Insurance, and 31% on Administrative costs.

Ms. Polansky reviewed her Recap for January 1 through June 30, 2018. A copy is attached to the minutes. She thanked everyone who helped with the various events and the Board for their support.

Updates From the Stern Village Resident Association

Mrs. Bova thanked the Board for everything that is going on in their community and to the residents who have helped with those events. They are looking to have an ice cream truck come for the residents to enjoy.

Resident Comments

Roberto – he is concerned about the way they are cutting the grass in the Village. It is not done in a safe way and areas are often left uncut. He did bring this concern to Paulette who is working on it.

Sandy – spoke on the fact that her new stove does not have a bottom drawer which provides much-needed storage in the small apartments. Drips pans are a problem as they seem to not last very long. Ms. Polansky will look into this.


There being no further business, Mrs. Kopchik moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:25 pm. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall Clerk


Posted in Minutes.