Trumbull Housing Authority
February 24, 2014
Community Room of Stern Village
Director’s Present: Chairwoman Linda Scarpantonio; Suzanne Donofrio and Susan Fatse. Also present Executive Director Harriet Polansky.
Director’s Absent: Thelma Burr and Linda Nassrah
The meeting was called to order at 4:13 pm by Chairwoman, Linda Scarpantonio. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Past Minutes
Chairman Scarpantonio noted the first item on the agenda was to approve the minutes of the Trumbull Housing Authority dated January 13, 2014, which had been previously distributed. Two revisions were made. Corrections to Mrs. Polansky’s name to reflect “y” not “I”; and on page 2 under Mrs. Polansky’s report, paragraph under water heaters should read “JK Energy/UI” for clarification. Chairwoman Scarpantonio moved that the minutes be approved as revised. Seconded
by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.
Bills & Communications
Mrs. Fatse reported in the absence of Ms. Burr that all bills have been paid to date.
Executive Director Report
Mrs. Polansky reported on the financial status noting that for the seven months ending January 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $5,056. Costs appear to be in line with our anticipated costs for all the services we anticipated in the budget for the entire year. The loss can be attributed at the present time to a decrease in income due to vacancies. We anticipate vacancies will diminish in the coming
months and that the new rent schedule for the new tenants will alleviate this loss. Some expenses are higher including medical insurance, electricity, water, cable TV and maintenance supplies which are being offset by lower costs to date in property insurance premiums, contract services, outside account and audit fees. All these costs should even out by the end of the fiscal year because of timing issues
with the budget preparation.
Current reserve balance is over $1,678,000 which is approximately $7,554 for each
unit in the complex. The overall cash position as of January 31, 2014 shows a balance of $1,639,000 with accounts payable of approximately $20,856.
Mrs. Polansky stated we are in a strong position to go forward into the year and are hoping to make some improvements. We will be continuing to further look at other projects to improve and upgrade our facility within the realm of affordability and need. We have contacted some outside experts in possibly obtaining grants through various state agencies. We have received some proposals from these companies to assist us in obtaining funds for improving the overall facility. We will be reviewing them to see which of the firms would be beneficial for the THA to employ to assist in this endeavor.
The lighting project should start this Wednesday after weather delays in the past. It is hoped that the new signage at the entrance of the facility will deter people from various activities such as walking their dogs, as this is private property.
Recertification of tenants has been going well. All tenants received a letter in the mail and we are following procedures and making sure our residents are providing us with the right information.
The fill-in cooks are saving us approximately $140 by not utilizing outside caterers. Any non-resident who wishes to eat here, i.e. family members, visitors to residents, will be charged $10.00 per meal starting March 1.
We have used a lot of
salt this season and hope to have enough to last the next few weeks. Residents were encouraged to use the remaining salt with this in mind.
The Sewer Department came to clear the lines due to a back-up of sinks in the middle units. They were clogged with grease.
Mrs. Polansky met with Professor Gary Munch from the school of graphic design at the University of Bridgeport to discuss his students helping with new design templates for a Stern Village logo, updated newsletter and design enhancements to our website. This is a wonderful opportunity for the residents and students to work together. A committee will be created of residents to review these changes.
Mrs. Polansky thanked the Nichols Garden Club for their Valentine’s Day arrangements. She noted the club will return later in the spring to speak with residents regarding growing and planting flowers.
Aquarion will be conducting a water efficiency study within the next few weeks in every apartment.
Mrs. Polansky also thanked the maintenance department and residents for helping to shovel during the snow storms.
Unfinished Business
New Business
- Discussion/Resolution for HVAC maintenance contract for the congregate: Discussion was held regarding the four proposals received by Mrs. Polansky. Mrs. Polansky noted references have been reviewed although Edgerton has done work at the facility and she has been pleased with their response and fees. It was moved by Chairman Scarpantonio that the Trumbull Housing Authority accept the proposal of Edgerton Inc. for the HVAC maintenance contract for the congregate. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse. Approved unanimously. Mrs. Polansky will present the contract to the directors for review when it is received.
- Discussion/Resolution for THA Bylaws: This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting so that the two remaining directors could formally respond with their approval.
Public Speaking
Mr. Littlefield questioned the directors about the bulk pick-up at the Village. Mrs. Polansky noted the town will do the bulk pick-up in the spring as they have always done.
Executive Session
Mrs. Scarpantonio made a motion to open an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a personnel issue. Members to be included are Directors Fatse, Donofrio and Scarpontonio and Mrs. Polansky. Seconded by
Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously. Executive sessions began at 4:35pm. Mrs. Scarpontonio moved to reconvene the meeting of the board at 4:45pm. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.
Motion was made by Mrs. Scarpontonio to adjourn the meeting at 4:45pm. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Crandall