Minutes THA July 2018

Trumbull Housing Authority – August 3, 2018

Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting
August 3, 2018
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Chairman Janice Kopchik, Deborah Dowd, Paul Niebuhr Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky Commissioners Absent: Suzanne Donofrio

The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Chairman Kopchik. This was followed by Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes

The following changes to the minutes of June 25, 2018 were presented:

  1. #4 under minutes of 6/5/18 should read “Non-Congregate residents…”
  2. Under Director’s Report – should read “Accounts Payable is approximately…”
  3. Under Resident Comments – Sandy – should read “Drip pans…”

Mrs. Kopchik motioned to approve the minutes of June 25, 2018 as amended. Seconded by Ms. Dowd and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Ms. Dowd reported for the Trumbull Housing Authority for the period ending June 30, 2018. Stern Village and Stern Center has an overall gain of approximately $147,029. This is attributable to receiving approximately $135,000 from United Illuminating as the incentive for installing the heat pumps. The current reserve balance is $770,977, which is approximately $3,473 for each unit in the entire complex.

Director’s Report

Ms. Polansky reported the overall cash position as of June 30, 2018 shows a balance of $662,771, including the investment account. Accounts Payable is approximate $38,823, including the PILOT accrual for the current year.

At the present time, the Village has ten vacancies and the Congregate has one vacancy.

With regard to expenses, approximately 10% was expended on Utilities, 32% on Maintenance, 10% on Insurance, and 47% on Administrative costs.

Thank you to Maureen for the ice cream truck for the residents.

The Bond Commission approved the $5.3 million for Stern Village. The next steps include:

  1. They will be working closely with CHFA to close the project; striving to close September 30 to October 30, 2018.
  2. Millennium is acting as Construction Manager and there is no General Contractor.
  3. The project is out to bid to multiple prime contractors. The work is to be administered by Millennium and the THA.


Trumbull Housing Authority – August 3, 2018

  1. CHFA presented a checklist of over 50 items that they need in order to close this project. Attorney James Scaramozza and Attorney Melanie Raush are helping us with the closing documents. They helped set up our 501(c)3 and work with us on Wiles’ Architect agreement.
  2. The deadline is August 3 for contractors to submit proposals.
  3. They will need two weeks after bid opening to negotiate and tabulate all of the bids.
  4. The plans are already in the Building Department; fees need to be paid permits issued.
  5. Meeting with Town Public Works and Engineers to discuss the roads and sidewalks.

HTCC Funding – Ms. Polansky hopes they receive the $500,000 in December. This will be used to rehab vacant apartments.

Window replacement bids will be sent out in October.

Ms. Polansky discussed critical needs for Congregate. She noted she has been working closely with CHFA for funding for the following projects – new generator, kitchen ventilation, new boilers and sprinkler system. This is close to $210,000 in funding.

Ms. Polansky is working on getting additional grants for new, hi-tech security cameras for Stern Village to upgrade the current system.

Over the past five years, Ms. Polansky has converted several smoking buildings into non-smoking. Currently, there are 36 residents (out of 186) who reside in smoking buildings. With the Board’s approval at an upcoming Board Meeting, she would like to create a Smoke Free Facility noting that HUD is banning smoking at (Public Housing Agencies) PHAs. Everyone deserves to breathe clean air.

In our effort to make a safer and healthier community, we are going to start the process of going Smoke-Free. She noted the following:

  1. For residents of multi-unit housing, secondhand smoke can be a major concern given that it can migrate from other units, porches, travel through doorways, cracks in walls, electrical lines, plumbing, and ventilation systems.
  2. More than 600 public housing agencies (PHAs) have already gone smoke-free, and now HUD will require the rest to join in.
  3. There is no “right” to smoke in a rental home, and smokers are not a protected sub-class under anti­discrimination laws.
  4. The rule does not prohibit smoking by residents; rather, it requires that if residents smoke that they do so several feet away from the buildings.
  5. The federal ban will save public agencies an estimated $153 million every year in costs related to health care due to secondhand smoke, as well as repairs and losses from preventable fires, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  6. Each resident will receive a notice about this in their mailbox by August 15.
  7. Each resident will have 30 days to provide written comments.
  8. Notices will be placed in the laundry rooms and community room.
  9. Polansky will summarize the relevant comments received and provide a response as to why such comments were or were not incorporated. Such summary shall be provided to each affected tenant.
  10. Paulette can provide information on how to stop smoking. Ms. Polansky will be discussing this further at her Tuesday Tea on August 14.


Trumbull Housing Authority – August 3, 2018

Unfinished Business No Unfinished Business.

New Business No New Business

Updates From the Stern Village Resident Association

Maureen Bova noted the Resident Association has accomplished many things in the past few months including participating in the rally to support the Medicare Savings Program. She noted numerous activities have been held for the residents and more are being planned.

Transportation will be available for those residents who want to vote in the November. Residents can also receive help with voter registration and absentee ballots through Stern Village.

Resident Comments

Sandy – felt that John should be acknowledged for the activities he coordinates for the residents, including the pizza and Chinese food. Mrs. Bova thanked all who participated in planning activities for the residents.

Gloria – requested that her neighbor be asked to clean up the items that are now encroaching into the area around Gloria’s apartment causing concern. Ms. Polansky and Paulette will address this request.

Ms. Polansky noted the rodent problem from the nearby construction has been addressed and there doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore.

Deb – asked if there is a policy on hoarding. Ms. Polansky noted there is a policy on over abundance of items.

Sandy – noted the heat in the laundry room is oppressive and requested a ceiling fan be installed for better circulation. Ms. Polansky will address this request.

Next Meeting

There will be no meeting in August; the next meeting will be held in September.


There being no further business, motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to adjourn the meeting at 4:28 pm. Seconded by Mr. Niebuhr and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall Clerk

Posted in Minutes.