Minutes THA February 2017

Trumbull Housing Authority – February 27, 2017

Trumbull Housing Authority
February 27, 2017
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present:  Chairman Janice Kopchik, Susan Fatse and Deborah Dowd

Also Present:  Executive Director Harriet Polansky

Commissioners Absent:  Commissioners Suzanne Donofrio and Paul Niebuhr

The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm by Chairman Kopchik followed by Roll Call and the Pledge of

Past Minutes
1. Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to approve the minutes of January 23, 2017 as written.
Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.
2. Approval of the minutes of February 13, 2017 was moved to the March meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Dowd reported for the Trumbull Housing Authority for the period ending January 31, 2017.  Stern
Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of approximately $54,293.  This is attributable to the
numerous vacancies in the Village and Center, reducing the rental income by $36,000, as well as
additional legal expenses of $10,000 and costs of advertising for the wait list opening and necessary
credit checks totaling $8,000.  Currently our reserve balance is $1,482,284 which is approximately
$6,677 for each unit in the entire complex.  It was explained that the increase in legal fees was due
partially to evictions.

Director’s Report
Ms. Polansky reported the overall cash position as of January 31, 2017 showed a balance of $948,640
including the investment account.  Accounts Payable is approximately $63,397, including the PILOT
accrual for the current year.  Ms. Polansky will continue to look at other projects to further improve the
facility within the realm of affordability, need and security.
Ms. Polansky is working on the 2017 Small Cities Grant to be used for new windows for 186 units.  She
will meet later with a sub‐committee of the Town Council to ask them to approve the Small Cities Grant
to be used for this purpose.
Ms. Polansky is applying for funds with the State for exterior improvements to the Village buildings as
well as for the Congregate.

Neil is working on a 501(3)(c) that will be used to get additional money into the property by getting
HTCC money and money from other sources.  Under the HTCC program, a non‐profit corporation can
receive up to $500,000 annually in State tax credits which can then be sold to State business firms in
return for cash contributions to the non‐profit corporation’s housing program.  Each year CHFA allocates
up to $10 million in State HTCC tax credits on a competitive basis to non‐profit corporations.  Neil, Ms.
Polansky, Frank and Bruce from Millennium and George Wiles met with CHFA and DOH for a pre‐
application meeting.  The State does not have Rental Assistance any more so we are looking at health
and safety issues which are the roads, pathways, curbs, sidewalks, sewers, roofs, doors, insulation, etc.
For the Congregate it is more mechanical systems such as replacing the generator, adding attic
insulation, replacing the boiler – things that affect all residents.  We are asking the State to provide us
funding to fix our infrastructure issues that affect every resident.  There is not enough funding available
to tackle the inside of each unit at this time.
At the present time, the Village has five vacancies and the Congregate has three vacancies.  May have to
open up a wait list again but Ms. Polansky is waiting on directive from the State based on the meeting

Unfinished Business

New Business

Update from the Stern Village Resident Association
Ralph Claudio reported the following:
1. Resident Association Board Vacancy Filled –Two nominations for the vacant Member‐at‐Large
position on the Stern Village Resident Association Board were received at the February 7, 2017
Resident Association Meeting.  Nominations included Ralph Claudio and Judith Restieri.
Members had an opportunity to hear from both candidates.  A vote was conducted and Ralph
Claudio was elected to serve the remaining term for the Member‐at‐Large position on the
Resident Association Board.
2. Request for Funding of Resident Association – The Stern Village Resident Association
respectfully submitted a request for funding.
3. Road/Sidewalk Repairs Petition and Town Hall Meeting – The Resident Association has been
collecting signatures to be submitted to the Town of Trumbull to repair the roads and sidewalks
of the Stern Village community.  A total of 180 signatures of support have been collected.  The
Association is seeking to coordinate a Town Hall Meeting which would afford residents the
opportunity to speak with town representatives to engage their support in addressing this issue.
4. Welcome Packet Committee – The Resident Association will be developing a Welcome Packet to
provide to new residents upon move‐in.  The Association has established a committee and will
be working to develop the materials to be included in the packet.  All residents’ ideas and
suggestions are welcome.
5. Sunshine Club – The Resident Association has formed a Sunshine Club which will recognize
residents for birthdays, anniversaries, when ill or hospitalized and upon moving in or moving
out.  A Sunshine Club Participation form will be distributed to all residents during March.
Residents will be able to select if and how they will participate.
It was noted by the Board that the Association must have a Treasurer before this funding will be

Resident Comments
1. Joan – requested if the Maintenance Department could plow out to the parking lot so that
people can get to the cars and the Congregate.  She requested a more direct route over the
grassy area be cleared.
Ms. Polansky will speak with the Maintenance Department to see if this would be a problem.  It may
become slippery and cause a falling hazard.
2. Bob – also requested some type of path to the circle by his apartment so that residents do not
have to walk all the way around to get to the sidewalk.
The Board suggested that a work order be done so that the Maintenance Department will know the area
to work on.  Ms. Polansky will walk with the residents to see exactly what needs to be done.
3. El – spoke about the sidewalks and noted that the sidewalks are bad with cracks and are
uneven.  This is a health issue.
Mrs. Polansky noted she met with the State regarding the application for the 2017 State‐Sponsored
Housing Program Funding Round to talk about the acute health and safety issues that have to be
addressed which includes roads, paths, curbs and sidewalks.  This work would be over $800,000.
4. Christine – noted that she spends a lot of money on her clothes, socks, towels.  Complained that
her personal belongings have disappeared.  Someone comes in every day when she is walking
her dog and takes her belongings.  She stated the stealing has to stop.  Someone is searching
into her medications, clothes, money, wallet – she has had enough.
Ms. Polansky asked if a Police report had been done.  Christine said yes.  Christine noted she has a sign
on her door not to come in but when they see her walking her dog they come in.  Ms. Polansky asked
who has a key.  Christine replied that Ms. Polansky did.  Ms. Polansky noted she has a master key for
everyone’s apartment.  Christine does not know how people get into her apartment but she does know
that Ms. Polansky and Maintenance have keys.  Ms. Polansky assured Christine that her staff is not going
into her apartment to steal her belongings.  Christine stated that it could also be Ms. Polansky that is
stealing her belongings.  Christine also has a list of others who have things missing.
5. Dorothy – asked if the Housing Authority provided land lines to the residents.  She noted she has
a problem with her T‐Mobile cell phone service and would like a land line.  She also asked about
a traffic light as you come out of the village.
It was noted that land lines are the responsibility of the resident.  It was also noted that T‐Mobile is
building a tower in Trumbull Center within the next few months that will help with service.  A traffic light
would be a State issue.
6. Donna – noted that the snow from her front roof melts onto the area in the front of her building
and there is a lot of ice when it refreezes.  The walkway is on a hill and it is dangerous.
Mrs. Polansky will do a work order for Maintenance to see if they can find a way to help this situation.
7. John – noted the Resident Association does not have a specific Treasurer or Secretary as it is a
shared responsibility at this time.
Kim from TOVAH noted that the Association is allowed to have separate or shared responsibility for
these positions.  They need to open up a bank account and deposit funds.  A financial statement will be
provided to the Board and the Association members.

There being no further business, motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to adjourn the meeting at 4:37 pm.
Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall

Posted in Minutes.