Minutes THA January 2016

Trumbull Housing Authority – January 25, 2016

Trumbull Housing Authority January 25, 2016 4:00 pm Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Thelma Burr, Susan Fatse, Janice Kopchik Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky Commissioners Absent: Suzanne Donofrio

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 pm by the Chairman, Mrs. Kopchik. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes

The following corrections were made to the minutes by Ms. Polansky – Page 1, Under Resident Comments, 7th line down should read “extermination of pests.” and last line should read “but did not receive”. Page 2, under Executive Director’s Report, third paragraph should read “Ms. Polansky spoke with the Charter representative…” Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik, seconded by Mrs. Burr, to approve the minutes of December 22, 2015 as amended. Approved unanimously.

Resident Comments

Paul Littlefield requested a statement on the record with regard to the purchase of a truck that all state purchasing procedures were followed and that no one affiliated with the Trumbull Housing Authority or Stern Village had any financial interest in the transaction. He announced that the Stern Village Tenants Association is now incorporated. Incorporation papers have been received from the state and he requested records be corrected. They have retained a corporate attorney. Mrs. Kopchik requested a copy of the incorporation letter for the record and to verify that they are legitimately approved. Mr. Littlefield asked why the THA needs it and refused to provide the information.

Pat Horan wanted to thank everyone for coming out in the snow and thanked Harriet for the great breakfast for the volunteers. Thanks also to Bob, Jeff and Renee for the good job they did with the snow.

Treasurer’s Report

Mrs. Burr reported for the period ending December 31, 2015. Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $12,321. This is attributable to the various vacancies in the Village and in the Center which reduced the rental income. The vacancies in the Center are being rehabilitated and new residents are moving into the Village. All vendors have been paid. The current Accounts Payable amounts to $42,666 which includes the PILOT payment for the current year. The PILOT payment has been paid for the year ending June 30, 2015. The cash position is healthy at the present time. The Village’s current cash position is approximately $18, 187 and the Center’s cash position is $14,085. In addition, they are looking to acquire a new truck for the Maintenance staff. The current truck needs repairs and has served well for the past ten years. The THA is also looking to obtain solar energy for the Congregate. This is the first step towards having a green housing authority.


Trumbull Housing Authority – January 25, 2016

Executive Director’s Report

Ms. Polansky noted the current reserve balance is over $1,413,399 which is approximately $6,367 per unit in the entire complex. The overall cash position as of December 31, 2015 shows a balance of $1,154,379 including the investment account. As of December 31, 2015, Accounts Payable is approximately $42,666 including the PILOT accrual for the current year. In the Village, some additional refrigerators and ranges were purchased and kitchen equipment was repaired in the Center. For the Center we had some sprinkler and elevator repairs as well as repairs to the stove. As always, she is looking for projects to improve the facility within the realm of affordability and need.

Ms. Polansky thanked the Maintenance staff. They did a great job during the storm. Several residents have voiced their appreciation and she thanked the younger residents for helping to clean vehicles. Many of the resident’s care givers helped also. Several residents have not taken items off their porches which hinders Maintenance from clearing the area.

On behalf of the THA Board of Commissioners, Paulette and herself, Ms. Polansky thanked the resident volunteers for all their help in making Stern Village and the Congregate an incredible place to live and having a positive impact on the community.

A Proclamation was received from First Selectman Herbst stating January 19, 2016 as Stern Village Volunteer Day.

Weatherization of the Stern Village apartments is still in progress and should be completed within the next three weeks. The lighting project will start soon; LED bulbs have been ordered. Many units have had the weatherization and hopefully, the residents can feel a difference. Residents have stated they are happy with the changes.

Ms. Polansky noted she and Neil have had several phone calls with CHFA for Phase 1 providing

information to the underwriters and technical staff. Phase 1 goes hand-in-hand with Phase 2. Everyone is working hard to provide information to the underwriters. Phase 2 will be discussed at the next Board meeting.

Three Charter representatives met with Ms. Polansky. Over the last six months, they recorded 20 calls from Stern Village for customer education and replacing boxes. They mentioned some channels experience breakup. That is due to the station broadcasting directly. Wednesday, January 27 at 10 am, a representative from Charter will be in the Community Room to discuss issues. There will be a resident meeting with him to discuss problems and different types of Charter packages.

Kim from TOVAH will be at Stern Village to work with the residents on January 26 at 10 am to establish a new, duly elected Residents Association.

Unfinished Business No unfinished business.

New Business

  1. Ms. Polansky noted they need a new maintenance truck and Neil has been sourcing costs and negotiating for a new one. The current truck is ten years old and has over 100,000 miles on it.


Trumbull Housing Authority – January 25, 2016

The current truck needs a lot of work, including but not limited to a new engine, suspension, muffler system and hydraulics. The underbody is rusted and it needs new tires. Neil and Jeff from the Maintenance staff went to Park City Ford and Stevens Ford. A quote was also obtained from Crowley which is in Plainville. The DAS website which includes all vendors, recommended Crowley, but they had the highest cost at $52,000 and it is far away for maintenance purposes and warranty work. Stevens in Milford had a 2015 with 500 miles on it. Ms. Polansky noted a strobe light is needed for insurance purposes and to know that a truck is approaching. This was approximately an additional $700 at Stevens. Cost at Stevens was close to $41,000. Another dealership in Danbury provided a quote but it is too far from Trumbull for immediate service. Neil and Ms. Polansky recommend Park City Ford. They have a 2016 for $40,924. These prices do not include trade-in. The current truck will be taken as a trade-in but it is unknown what they will give them. This price is also with a new plow. This plow is angled which will make it easier to maneuver the snow. Park City will negotiate the price of the strobe when the cost is known – no more than $325. Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik that the Trumbull Housing Authority approve the purchase of a new Ford truck with a plow for Maintenance with Park City based on Harriet’s and Neil’s recommendation. Seconded by Mrs. Burr and approved unanimously.

  1. Ms. Polansky noted that in April 2015 the THA was selected to participate in CHFA’s Solarized SSHP Program for the Congregate building. At the time, THA was one of 36 housing authorities selected to work with CT Green Bank and C-TEC Solar to provide solar energy. The Congregate building is perfect for solar because it has a southern exposure and there is no shade on the building. Ms. Polansky introduced Benjamin Healey from CT Green Bank, Alex Fox from C-TEC Solar and Attorney Melanie Rausch, attorney for the THA. Ms. Polansky noted the THA is not paying for installation of solar panels nor the connectivity or equipment. Since 2015 they have been working on finalizing the agreements for the project. CT Green Bank is acting as a syndicator and leasing the Congregate roof only to the Clean Energy Investment Authority to provide us with solar. With the use of solar, savings will be in the range of $4,000 to $6,000 per year for the next 20 years. Based on the agreement, the THA can purchase the system any time after five years. Mr. Healey and Mr. Fox fielded questions from the residents explaining how the system will work, cost savings, roof structure preparation and upgrade, panel weight (2.7 lbs./sf) and number (216 panels), selling power back to the utilities and maintenance. Mr. Healey noted they plan to start installation in approximately two months once all approvals are received and the project should be completed within four weeks. Question was asked if solar energy was being considered for the water heaters in the smaller units. Solar on the buildings in the Village was discussed previously and can be revisited but it would have to be after the revitalization project is completed and it must meet the southern exposure and not shaded by trees. Motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik that the Trumbull Housing Authority approve the solar energy for the Congregate. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.


There being no further business, motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to adjourn the meeting at 4:35 pm. Seconded by Mrs. Burr and approved unanimously.


Trumbull Housing Authority – January 25, 2016

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall Clerk

These minutes are considered a draft until approved at the next meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority.

Minutes THA January 2016

Posted in Minutes.