Minutes THA June – Special Meeting 2018

Trumbull Housing Authority – Special Meeting June 5, 2018

Trumbull Housing Authority Special Meeting
June 5, 2018
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Chairman Janice Kopchik, Deborah Dowd, Paul Niebuhr and Suzanne Donofrio Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

Commissioners Absent: Douglas Sutherland

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 pm by Chairman Kopchik. This was followed by Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mrs. Kopchik entertained the motion to approve the Trumbull Housing Management Plans for Stern Village and for Stern Center and the Congregate Service Plans. Motion was read as follows:

The Trumbull Housing Board of Commissioners approves the budget plan for Stern Village and the Management Plan for Stern Center and the Congregate Service Plan for the fiscal year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

Motion was made by Mrs. Donofrio, seconded by Mr. Niebuhr. Discussion.

Ms. Polansky noted the Management Plan is completed this time every year for the Congregate, the Village and the Congregate Service Plan. The Fiscal year begins July 1. CHFA and DOH require these plans for the next fiscal year which is July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. The management plan provides a budgetary projection for the various expenditures to be incurred this upcoming fiscal year by Stern Village for the Congregate. There are three parts of the operating budget. There is the Village, or the Elderly Plan. There is the Congregate Plan and the Congregate Services Plan which encompasses DOH subsidies.

For the Village, she noted the key is the cash flow. The revenue received comes from rent. The types of expenses have not changed over the years. It is a matter of the money allocated to it whether there was more or less money spent this year and then how it will be projected for next year. They always hope to lower the operating expenses and maintain a reasonable vacancy rate. She is awaiting the State’s Bond Commission to approve the $5,000,000 from the State that will result in relocation of some residents in order to remodel units in the middle to make then ADA Compliant units. There will be a point where they will have to hold vacancies. There were more vacancies than expected in the Village due to various reasons. The projected revenue was on target for the fiscal year with new residents coming in with a higher base rent as per the stratification plan. It is hoped to increase the rent revenue for the next fiscal year with vacancies being filled using the higher base rent. It sometimes takes time to turn over a vacancy due to the condition of the unit. No deposits are taken.


Trumbull Housing Authority – Special Meeting June 5, 2018

A lower placement reserve was projected for 2017-2018 and the actual amount is higher. We are projecting that the revenue from the laundry will decrease due to new high efficiency machines. There were several insurance claims this year due to apartment damage which is accounted for in miscellaneous revenue. They do not anticipate a significant amount in the new fiscal year.

Office supplies decreased this year; however, they put in a higher amount in next fiscal year in anticipation of the construction and the necessary recording keeping. Legal expenses were lower this year than budgeted. It is hoped these expenses will remain low. Every year an outside auditor is used as required by DOH and CHFA in additional to Neil. They also use an outside accountant per CHFA and DOH.

Miscellaneous admin expenses include but are not limited to conferences for staff and advertising openings for the Village. This year the advertising was high because they advertised the wait list from October 1 through December 31, which was costly. This budget also includes marketing materials to be printed. They were over the projected budget for the fiscal year based on the actual for 2018-2019. Utility expenses, including cable TV, increased more than anticipated and are projected to increase. We have four maintenance men – three are full time and one part time. The full time employees are part of a union. Cleaning supplies were higher than anticipated to sanitize and rehab the vacant apartments. Cleaning contract was also higher. They have a quarterly contract for cleaning of the sewer. They have come more frequently because residents throw items into the system they are not supposed to. This causes blockages that need to be cleared. Garbage and trash removal was higher than anticipated due to more dump runs with vacated apartments. Snow removal was budgeted as we need to hire an outside company, which is expected by CHFA. Vehicle maintenance and equipment operational repair, including the golf cart, was higher. Repairs were increased and a new cart was purchased for the maintenance tractor. PILOT, or real estate taxes, are always calculated at 3% less vacancies, less utilities. Payroll taxes remain the same. Property and Liability Insurance, managed by the Department of Service Administration, is negotiated for all the housing authorities. This is added into the plan when it is finalized. Worker’s Compensation Insurance and other employee benefits decreased substantially because they got better rates.

Overall the cash flow is well and they are operating the way they should be.

For the Congregate Services, the base rent and service costs remained the same for the next fiscal year. The service piece is subsidized based upon individual rent for the Congregate. The base rent is $400. The Service piece is $736. Not everyone pays the same rent; some pay the full amount which $1,136. Some pay less depending on their income. If a resident is unable to pay the full rate, the State makes up the balance. Vacancies increased overall. Some of the residents, who left for various reasons, paid the full amount. Therefore, there was a decrease in revenue. The Service piece is the 24/7 security. The contract increased slightly. The new Food Service increased by $1.00 per contract. Residents now pay $11.00. Light housekeeping costs the same. Entertainment stays the same. Nothing really changed in the Congregate.

The THA Board voted unanimously for the budget plan to be in place. Motion approved.


Trumbull Housing Authority – Special Meeting June 5, 2018

Resident Comments

Carlos – Does the budget plan include raises the for maintenance workers? If we are suffering, why are they getting a raise? The Board noted this is part of the contract that was negotiated with the union.

Gloria – Why did the fee for the food go up $1.00? Ms. Polansky noted this is part of the contract negotiated.

Maureen – the middle units will be ADA, where are those residents going? Ms. Polansky noted those residents will be relocated to other units within the village according to the relocation plan.

Ms. Polansky announced HTCC funding they applied for has been approved. They are earmarked to receive $500,000 at some point this year. Ms. Bova congratulated Ms. Polansky on all the funding she has been able to get for Stern Village. Ms. Polansky noted State Senator Marilyn Moore is now on the State Bond Commission.

Gus – When the ADA units are being remodeled, are the residents guaranteed to go back into the same units. Ms. Polansky noted the residents who need the ADA units will be returned to their units. However, not everyone in those units need a handicap unit. A plan will be discussed as to how to allocate those units to residents who need them.


There being no further business, motion was made by Mrs. Kopchik to adjourn the meeting at 4:22 pm. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall Clerk

Posted in Minutes.