Minutes THA December 2017

Trumbull Housing Authority Meeting
December 20, 2017
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present:  Chairman Janice Kopchik, Deborah Dowd, Suzanne Donofrio, Doug Sutherland
and Paul Niebuhr (entered at 4:27 pm)
Also Present:  Executive Director Harriet Polansky
The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Chairman Kopchik.  Mrs. Kopchik welcomed Mr. Doug
Sutherland as a new Commissioner replacing Mrs. Fatse whose term had expired.  Mr. Sutherland is
looking forward to working with everyone.  This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call.

Past Minutes
Ms. Polansky presented the following changes to the minutes of November 27, 2017:
1. Under Executive Director’s Report – sixth paragraph should read “Ms. Polansky thanked
Maureen Bova, the Stern Village Resident Association…”
2. Under Unfinished Business – first paragraph should read “These will be new LG machines, they
will hold larger loads, they will be on pedestals for easy access and will be more energy
3. Under Stern Village Resident Association Updates – Third paragraph was removed.
Mrs. Kopchik motioned to approve the minutes of October 23, 2017 as amended.  Seconded by Ms.
Donofrio and approved with one abstention by Mr. Sutherland.

Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Dowd reported for the Trumbull Housing Authority for the period ending November 30, 2017.  Stern
Village and Stern Center have an overall gain of approximately $126,890.  This is attributable to the
filling of numerous vacancies in the Village and the Center.  We received approximately $135,000 from
United Illuminating as incentive for installing heat pumps.  Under the new GAAP accounting rules, we
now recognize the incentive as income and not part of the reserve for repairs and maintenance, which
has been eliminated.

Executive Director’s Report
Ms. Polansky reported the current reserve balance is $871,831 which is approximately $3,927 for each
unit in the entire complex.  The overall cash position as of November 20, 2017 shows a balance of
$815,841 including the investment account.  Accounts Payable is approximately $70,900 including the
PILOT accrual for the current and prior year.
At the present time, the Congregate has three vacancies.  These are being sanitized and made ready for
new occupants.  Applications are being taken for Stern Village through December 31, 2017.
Approximately 60 applications have been received and they expect several more.
Ms. Polansky noted several improvements have been made this year and she will continue to look at
other projects to further improve the facility within the realm of affordability, need and security.
Ms. Polansky thanked the THA Board of Commissioners, Jan, Paul Suzanne, Susan and Deb, for all their
help and on‐going support over the year.
The THA Recap for July 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 was read by Ms. Polansky and is attached to
these minutes.
Ralph noted that one resident needs some additional assistance in getting into and out of his apartment.
This will be looked into by Ms. Polansky.

Updates from the Stern Village Resident Association
Maureen Bova noted the group has re‐invented themselves and are working towards common goals
with the administration.  She reported
1. The Association was able to procure donations because of the 501(c)3.
2. They want to have more functions and get more residents involved.  The residents are a very
diverse population and they are looking for activities for everyone.  These activities are done by
the group with no budget but residents have been very generous.
3. Several residents were involved in the trip to the capital for the Medicare initiative from the
Village.  They would like to get more residents involved.
Mr. Niebuhr entered the meeting at 4:27 pm.
4. The Association wants to help and support all fund raising activities the Administration may
5. Activities this year included the Welcome for the New Residents, Thanksgiving Drive, the
cleaning out of the pantry, getting food donated for the residents, working on paper goods
donations, gloves, scarves and socks.
Ms. Bova noted that it is very important to get the community behind Stern Village.  Stern Village is a
jewel in the community and it is important it be supported.
She thanked everyone for donating their time and to the new Commissioner, Mr. Sutherland, as well as
everyone else on the Board.  Merry Christmas.  Ms. Polansky noted that she will be working closely with
Jeff Kunkel and Trumbull Helps.  Mrs. Polansky asked residents for ideas on what they could use and in
January she will have a meeting with Jeff Kunkel to their needs.

Resident Comments
Christine – requested the following:
1. Would like to be included in the robo calls that are sent out to the residents. This is
currently not happening; she will give her telephone number to Heather.
2. Requested cameras with lights be placed around her house because of missing items. She
felt all buildings should have cameras especially the Community Room.
3. Work should be done on the sidewalks.
4. Requested repairs be made on her bathtub, stove and drapes – she will put in a work order
for these repairs with Ms. Polansky.
She thanked everyone and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Mrs. Kopchik noted that any maintenance that needs to be done requires a work order. This
provides a record of requests. Cameras are around the facility in certain areas; this will be
reviewed. Sidewalks are a priority but requires funding which has not been obtained.
Caroline – welcomed Mr. Sutherland. She also felt the sidewalks were a concern. Mr. Sutherland
noted there is an agreement with the town that should be revisited with the new First Selectman
regarding the paving of roads in the Village.
Ralph – noted he was part of the group that went to the capital about the Medicare cuts. Many
points in the meeting were positive. The cuts were postponed until July 1. He felt they needed to
keep going to the capital and make their statement. He also urged everyone to write their
Congressman about these concerns. It was suggested that bus transportation be provided for the
next trip; this should be coordinated through Paulette.

Old Business
No Old Business.

New Business
No New Business.

Mr. Sutherland commented on the following:
1. He has noticed that other Commissions have emails for the commissioners on the Trumbull
website so that individuals can contact them. He would like to see emails for the THA
Commissioners posted.
2. He noted that in the effort for more transparency, there is an effort to video all Boards and
Commissions meetings for public access TV. The THA Commission meetings are more
difficult to fit into the schedule because of the late afternoon meeting time. He noted he has
forwarded the 2018 meeting dates to the video service and they will work to accommodate
recording the meetings. This is a public meeting and although the Commission developed
guidelines for recording the meetings, they are in violation of the FOI Act.

There being no further business, Mrs. Kopchik motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:47 pm.
Seconded by Ms. Dowd and approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall



Posted in Minutes.