Meeting Agenda March 26, 2018


DATE: March 26, 2018



1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance

3. Reading and Approval of Minutes for the February 26, 2018 Regular THA Board Meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Executive Director’s Report

6. Unfinished Business
Discussion/Possible Action Regarding the Videotaping Policy for the THA Board Meetings.

7. New Business Items

8. Updates from the duly elected Stern Village Resident Association

9. Resident Comments

10. Adjournment

Meeting Agenda February 26, 2018


DATE: February 26, 2018



1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance

3. Reading and Approval of Minutes for the January 22, 2018 Regular THA Board Meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Executive Director’s Report

6. Unfinished Business
Discussion/Possible Action Regarding the Videotaping Policy for the THA Board Meetings.

7. New Business Items

8. Updates from the duly elected Stern Village Resident Association

9. Resident Comments

10. Adjournment

Meeting Agenda January 22, 2018


DATE: January 22, 2018



1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance

3. Reading and Approval of Minutes for the December 20, 2017 Regular THA Board Meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Executive Director’s Report

6. Unfinished Business

7. New Business Items
Discussion/Possible Action Regarding the Videotaping Policy for the THA Board Meetings.

8. Updates from the duly elected Stern Village Resident Association

9. Resident Comments

10. Adjournment

Meeting Agenda November 9, 2016


DATE:                November 9, 2016

TIME:                10 AM

LOCATION:     Stern Village (Community Room), 200 Hedgehog Circle, Trumbull, CT 06611

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
  3. New Business

Discussion/Action regarding an updated THA Grievance Policy

  1. Resident Comments

Stern Village Residents (only) may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes. Stern Village Residents (only) must sign-up to speak prior to the start of the meeting.

  1. Adjournment


Addendum to Agenda– New Business


All disputes concerning the obligations of the Tenant or the THA shall be resolved in accordance with the THA’s grievance procedure in accordance with the regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

The THA’s grievance procedure is not intended as a forum for initiating or negotiating policy changes between a group or groups of Tenants and the THA.

Informal settlement of grievances is encouraged and every effort will be made to minimize administrative costs associated with informal settlements.

Meeting Agenda November 9, 2016

Minutes THA March 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority

March 24, 2014

4:00 pm

Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Linda Nassrah, Suzanne Donofrio, Susan Fatse and Thelma Burr.


Also present Executive Director Harriet Polansky.


The meeting was called to order at 4:06 pm by Commissioner Nassrah. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Nassrah announced the resignation of Linda Scarpantonio from the Commission due to other commitments. They are actively looking for a replacement.


Past Minutes

Ms. Nassrah presented several revisions to the minutes of the Trumbull Housing Authority meeting on February 24,
2014 as follows:

  1. All director(s) should be changed to commissioner(s).
  2. Also present should be a separate line.
  3. Under Past Minutes – Chairman changed to Chairwoman and the word “meeting” placed after Trumbull Housing Authority.
  4. Executive Director Report – should read “Director’s”.
  5. Executive Director’s Report, 6th paragraph, should reflect that the $140 is the cost savings each time fill-in cooks are used.
  6. Under New Business #1 – should read “Mrs. Polansky noted references have been reviewed. Edgerton has previously done work at the congregate. Mrs. Polansky has been pleased with their response times and fees.”
  7. Under New Business #2 – should read “THA Bylaws: This agenda items was tabled until the next meeting.”

Ms. Nassrah moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, seconded by Ms. Donofrio and approved unanimously.


Bills and Communications

Mrs. Burr noted all payments for the month of March have been made.


Executive Director’s Report

Mrs. Polansky reported that for the eight months ending in February 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall loss of $3,058. Costs appear to be in line with our anticipated costs for all the services anticipated in the budget for the entire year. This loss can be attributed at the present time to a decrease in income due to vacancies. We are anticipating that the vacancies will diminish in the coming months and that the new rent schedule for the new tenants will alleviate this loss.


Some expenses are higher, such an medical insurance, electricity, water, cable TV, and maintenance supplies, which are being offset by lower costs to date in property insurance premiums, contract services, discontinuing catering services, outside accountant and audit fees. All these costs should even out by the end of the fiscal year because of timing issues with the budget preparation.


Reserve balance is over $1,702,000 which is approximately $7,746 for each unit in the complex. Overall cash position as of February 28, 2014 shows a balance of $1,639.00. Accounts Payable is approximately $27,182. We are in a strong position to move forward and hope to make improvements to Stern Village and the Congregate.


Mrs. Polansky noted she has worked very hard to change the culture of Stern Village over the past year by having an open door policy where she meets with residents to discuss any subject or to answer any questions. Many of the residents have regularly attended the monthly Tuesday Tea where she provides updates on what is happening at the Village and discusses issues such as garbage, lighting, and improvements. She is always keeping the residents posted and updated. She noted there are some residents who do not have accurate information but are speaking on various topics. She encouraged all residents to come to her for clarification.


The following updates were presented:

  1. The Trumbull Rotary Club is funding new directional signs for Stern village. Their vendor will be working on the signs this week. Digital proofs will be approved soon.
  2. Please do not throw garbage into the dumpster area or go through the dumpster. If residents are throwing things away, there is a reason. The scrap metal kept near the Maintenance Garage is not for the taking.
  3. Aquarion will return to assess the remaining apartments. Residents will be notified.


Mrs. Polansky stated that based on the Capital Needs Assessment that was conducted prior to her coming on board and the
many other improvements that are needed, she must start the strategic planning and development process and determine the right funding sources to make the necessary upgrades in Stern Village. This is a lengthy, challenging and demanding task. We have the full support of CHFA and DOH. In order to do this, we need the assistance of a program services development firm. Mrs. Polansky introduced Mr. Bruce Whitaker and Mr. Frank Stellato of Millennium Group to present to the residents at the meeting an overview of their services as it relates to the improvement and design of Village. This presentation showed other resident facilities they have designed and updated within CT including resident facilities, common areas and grounds. Some of the commissioners and Mrs. Polansky have visited these other facilities. A question and answer period was held regarding the Stern Village project. Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah that we vote to select Millennium Group for finding funds for this long term project. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burr and approved unanimously. We now can move forward with them on this project.


Unfinished Business

  1. THA Bylaws – Ms. Nassrah felt that after reviewing them, there are still some changes that need to be made. Ms. Nassrah moved to table the adoption of the bylaws until next month’s meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Burr and approved unanimously.
  2. Health/Dental Insurance – this section of the employee handbook has been reviewed. Motion was made by Ms. Nassrah to omit the section in the employee handbook regarding health and dental insurance for full-time employees. Seconded by Mrs. Burr and approved unanimously.


Public Speaking

Bob stated Mrs. Polansky and Neil were doing such a good job. They are making this place better to live in.


Gus agreed with Bob and is looking forward to the new “millennium”.


Paul commented that he would miss Mrs. Scarpantonio and would like to see Ms. Nassrah as chairwoman. He also discussed lighting concerns. Ms. Nassrah noted his concerns would be brought to the attention of UI when they are finished with the project should the concerns still exist at that time.



There being no further business, motion was made by Ms. Nassrah, seconded by Mrs. Donofrio, to adjourn the meeting at 5:25pm. Approved unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,




Barbara Crandall




The above minutes are considered a draft until they are approved at the next meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority.



I’ve worked very hard to change the culture of Stern Village over the past year by having an open door policy whereby I meet with residents to discuss any subject or answer questions.

Many of the residents here today have regularly attended my monthly Tuesday’s Tea with Harriet. I update residents on what’s happening at Stern Village and we discuss issues like garbage, lighting, improvements to be made, and the like. I keep the residents posted and updated.

If you don’t come to my Tuesday’s Tea or the many other activities at Stern Village, you are really missing out.

There a rumor makers who are doing the residents a disservice. These people don’t have the facts or know what they are talking about. Come to me for clarification.


-The Trumbull Rotary Club is funding new directional signs for Stern Village. Their vendor will
be working on the signs this week and I will see digital proofs to approve shortly.

-Please do not throw garbage into the dumpster area or go through the dumpster looking for stuff.

If people are throwing things away, there’s a reason for it.

-We collect scrap metal that kept near the Maintenance Garage. This is not for the taking.

-Aquarion will be back to assess the remaining apartments and I’ll advise you when that will happen.

Based on the Capital Needs Assessment that was done prior to me coming on board and the many other improvements that are needed, we must start the strategic planning and development process and determine the right funding sources to make the necessary upgrades in Stern Village.

This is a lengthy, challenging and demanding task.
We have the full support of CHFA and DOH.

In order to do so, we need the assistance of a program services development firm.

I would like to introduce Bruce Whitaker and Frank Stellato of Millennium.


Revitalization and Rehabilitation of Stern Village Minutes December 2014


Ms. Polansky called a separate meeting at 10:15 am for the newly-elected, 9 member Development Advisory Committee. Ms. Polansky congratulated the Development Advisory Committee. This is the first meeting of two scheduled on today. The second meeting scheduled at 10:30 am with the Development Advisory Committee, Stern Village residents and the THA Development Team.

Present: Ms. Harriet Polansky
Ms. Paulette Mack
Mr. Neil Gerhardt
Mr. Brandt Jobst, Wiles Architect
Mr. Frank Stellato, Millennium Associate Director
Ms. Nancy Bonitatibus
Mr. Roberto Cortes
Mr. Edward Horan
Mr. John Koch
Ms. Gloria Lanham
Ms. June Leonard
Mr. Bob Lewis
Ms. Lisa Manzione
Mr. Joe Ventura

Mr. Stellato was on conference call as he briefly explained the process that lead to the meeting with the State and the outcome. Ms. Polansky explained the Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) to the group and briefly touched the conceptual development stage for Stern Village. Mr. Stellato discussed that we should get feedback from the State mid-January.

It was suggested by Ms. Nancy Bonitatibus to utilize the ballot box as a suggestion box, for the development.

Ms. Polansky called the second meeting at 10:47 am to conduct a PowerPoint presentation of the draft proposal that was presented to the State. Ms. Polansky explained each slide and the main objective of this project is to have residents to age in place. The State was made aware from the Development Team of the poor and hazardous pathways/walkways, limited parking and small dwelling. CNA did not consider roof replacements or efficient heating to decrease UI bills.

Mr. Jobst discussed each conceptual plan. Plan E was very costly. The THA Team focused on Plan F.
Mr. Jobst stated that Plan F will allow for additional parking and easy access for the 1st responders.

Each new apartment will have a three season room, new insulation, heat pumps, sound barriers and many other energy efficiencies. The base board heater will remain in the apartments. Mr. Jobst also stated the need to have parking spaces within proximity of the residents’ units. The current efficiency apartment is approximately 325 sq. ft. and with the revitalization process, the efficiency apartment will be approximately 500 sq. ft. The new 2-story building may consists of 24 apartments, approximately 625 sq. ft. The State realized the current square footage is too small.

Minimal demolition will occur on the property. Residents will not move from Stern Village during the renovations. There will be newly rehabbed units for residents to move into.

The proposed Community Building will be a HUB for services and amenities. It will have a food pantry, larger bathrooms, offices for our nurse and counselors, a room for wellness programs and activities, a movie and lecture room, a salon, a commercial kitchen, an arts & crafts room and administration offices for Harriet, Paulette, Heather and Neil.

The Community Building may have solar panels to promote green energy.

The residents asked questions that were answered by Ms. Polansky and Mr. Jobst.
Ms. Polansky reiterated that these are concepts only, and we are waiting feedback from the State.

The residents were very pleased with the PowerPoint presentation.

The next meeting date is yet to be determined.

Meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.

Submitted by,
Paulette Mack
Resident Service Coordinator


Minutes December 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority
December 15, 2014
4:00 pm
Community Room of Stern Village

Commissioners Present: Chairperson Janice Kopchik; Commissioners Susan Fatse, Thelma Burr and Suzanne Donofrio (4:05 pm)

Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky

Commissioners Absent: Linda Nassrah

The meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm by Mrs. Kopchik. Roll call was conducted followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Past Minutes
Mrs. Kopchik moved to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2014 regular meeting of the THA. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and unanimously approved.

Resident Comments
Mr. Paul Littlefield addressed the Commission regarding the dangerous icing of the path that serves units #153-158.

Mrs. Donofrio entered the meeting at 4:05 pm.

He noted with the recent heavy rains and freezing temperatures, residents were forced to walk on the turf to avoid the icy path and also had to walk on ice to access three of the parking spaces. Mr. Littlefield stated that proper action was not taken when duly notified by not bringing in a contractor during the good weather. He noted each commissioner could be held personally liable. Mrs. Fatse stated that commissioners cannot be held liable and Mr. Littlefield noted he stood corrected. He concluded that his purpose is to protect the financial, health and personal interests of tenants and their families and requested a skilled contractor be consulted.

Mrs. Polansky noted salt bins have been placed around the village. The maintenance department is on top of the ice and snow. She requested residents to remove items from their porches as it is much easier for maintenance to plow when there are no obstacles. Shoveling must be done if the items are not removed which takes time away from other areas.

Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Burr noted for the five months ending November 30, 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall profit of $7,289. All current vendors have been paid. The cash position is healthy at the present time. The Village current cash position is approximately $37,224. The Center cash position is approximately $12,246. In the Village and the Center, vacancies have been reduced. There have been no capital expenditures for this period except for the normal expenditures for refurbishing our vacant units.

Executive Director’s Report
Mrs. Polansky reiterated the financial summary for the five months ending November 30, 2014, Stern Village and Stern Center had an overall gain of $7,289. The reserve balance is over $1,444,390 which is approximately $6,506 for each unit in the entire complex. The overall cash position as of November 30, 2014 shows a balance of $1,567,000 which includes the investment account. Accounts payable for that time period is $5,584.

We have acquired salt for the walkways. All equipment has been serviced and ready for the winter weather.

Mrs. Polansky noted they are looking at other projects to further the improvements at the facility within the realm of affordability and need. She noted the staff will be meeting with EMS Chief Joe Laucella in January to review emergency policies and procedures that are in place. He will also meet with the residents to help them review ways to prepare for the snow.

Security measures are being tightened. The Congregate outside doors will be locked at 5:00 pm. She noted currently when you close the second set of doors you cannot hear the siren. Changes include making the siren louder and moving some of the heads so everyone can hear the alarm. Bell will also be louder. When someone comes to the Congregate and the guard does not know them, they will be required to provide a photo ID.

Chef Armando has started and the food is fantastic. She hoped residents will come and sample the food. The Holiday Party is being catered by him.

Mrs. Polansky noted there were several programs this month. Paulette noted the following:
1. December 16 is a holiday breakfast from 9-11 am; from 9 am – 5 pm.
2. December 16 is an election for the Advisory Developmental Board. She has some residents who will be counting ballots after the election is completed.
3. December 18 is a Well Care bingo sponsored by Well Care
4. In 2015, United Health Care will partner with the THA to provide programs for the residents.
5. St. Joseph’s Center will also be providing programs for the seniors. Some programs will be held at the Center and some at Stern Village.
6. The nutritionist from Bridgeport Hospital was great and provided important information to the residents.
7. A sleep disorder program was also held sponsored by Bridgeport Hospital.

Mrs. Polansky noted eight members of the team attended the presentation to the State of our project – Susan Fatse, Ed Lavernovich, George and Brandt from Wiles, Bruce and Frank from Millennium, Neil Gerhardt and Mrs. Polansky. Also present were CHFA members and the Deputy Commissioner from DOH as well as a representative from the CT Housing Organization. Mrs. Polansky presented the slide show from the meeting showing the concepts of the initiative. It is still unknown how much funding will be received.

The following were covered in the presentation:
1. Goals and Objectives to provide a sustainable environment
2. Demand for senior housing
3. Time line of the development of Stern Village
4. Development team
5. Demographics of the residents in the Village/Wait list
6. Resident Participation – various residents who spoke about the Village
7. Green efficiencies and economically sustainable units
8. Service hub or community center
9. Expansion of meals, transportation programs
10. ADA compliant units
11. Storm water management
12. Solar (Mrs. Polansky noted she met with a state representative to assess the possibility of solar for the Congregate. It is in the process.)
13. Topographical images of the parcel and pictures of various aspects of the Village

Mrs. Polansky noted the Congregate building is not part of the scope of the project. A Capital Plan Analysis was done showing why the capital plan they prepared missed many things. Mr. Brandt Jobst from Wiles discussed the Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) done about a year and a half ago which provided an overview of the entire property. The Executive Summary of this report stated this is a great facility and the overall development is in good condition and should have enough in reserve for the next twenty years. It provided a financial analysis and suggested how the funds should be allocated. They do mention that the NOI figure decreases annually and in the year 2026, it will be a negative number. This means that within thirteen years, the property is not sustainable and cannot adequately address its basic capital needs projected to be approximately $4.3 million dollars over the next twenty years. He noted there was also a Market Assessment done. This included features of the Town of Trumbull and how it is a great place to live. It points out the demand is there for senior housing but the units are small. Updating the units would provide more marketability. All this information was discussed at various meetings with staff at Stern Village, the architects and the Commissioners to determine what could be done. Mr. Jobst presented slides of proposed property designs and noted Scheme F was most efficient and affordable. This drawing was presented to the state. Mr. Jobst reviewed the proposed changes to the apartments noting the state would like a 600sf minimum per unit.

Mrs. Polansky noted all questions posed to them were answered. The State will now give some constructive direction. It is hoped we will hear from them by the end of the year. Ten housing authorities went before the State and she felt they were very prepared with this presentation.

Unfinished Business

New Business
Mrs. Kopchik moved to propose a settlement agreement with a Stern Village resident and authorize Attorney Callahan to execute this agreement. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.

There being no further business, Mrs. Kopchik moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 pm. Seconded by Mrs. Fatse and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Crandall

These minutes are considered a draft until approved at the next meeting of the Trumbull Housing Authority.

Minutes-THA-December 15 2015

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Minutes THA Special Meeting October 2014

Special Board of Commissioners Meeting
October 13, 2014
Commissioners Present: Chairman Janice Kopchik, Vice-Chairman Linda Nassrah, Assistant Treasurer Susan Fatse, and Treasurer Thelma Burr
Also Present: Executive Director Harriet Polansky Commissioners Absent: Secretary Suzanne Donofrio
The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Chairman Kopchik. It was immediately followed by the Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting took place in the Community Room, Stern Village, 200 Hedgehog Circle, Trumbull, CT.
Ms. Polansky introduced Ms. Paulette Mack as Stern Village’s new Resident-Services Coordinator and stated that Ms. Mack will eventually meet with all of the Stern Village residents.
Past Minutes
No minutes were voted upon at this meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
No Treasurer’s Report was given at this meeting. Executive Director’s Report
Ms. Harriet Polansky stated that this is a very exciting time at Stern Village as it embarks on a much-needed revitalization project. Stern Village has not seen any substantial improvements in almost 40 years and needs to make many upgrades and improvements to the property. CHFA (CT Housing and Finance Authority) and the DOH (CT Department of Housing) are supporting Trumbull Housing Authority’s efforts in making the necessary renovations.
Ms. Kim Pietrorazio, Executive Director, TOVAH, Inc. will be meeting with Stern Village residents on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at the Resident Participation Council meeting, to explain the need for a resident-participation agreement. The Trumbull Housing Authority will be working with the residents on a vision to make THA one of the best affordable housing developments in CT.
The evaluation process for architects, based on the Requests for Qualifications, started in August, 2014.
The evaluations for the architectural firms began August, 2014.
Six firms submitted their proposals based on our RFQ and attended our mandatory walk-through meeting.
One firm dropped out and two firms did not have enough experience for the project. Three candidates were left: Quisenberry Arcari, Paul Bailey and Wiles.
A matrix/proposal to review costs was requested from each firm.
Mr. Gerhardt and Ms. Polansky met with the Millennium Group: Bruce Whitaker, Executive Director; Frank Stellato, Associate Director; and Steve Jayne, Construction Project Manager as well as with each of the three candidates for a two-hour meeting reviewing their proposals and getting acquainted with each firm.
A final matrix was provided that outlined a concept to measure costs. The three firms were requested to provide a cover letter showing their availability and the competing projects they would be working on.
An Evaluation Rubric was used to measure competencies.
Quisenberry Arcari (QA) Tom Arcari, Principal
Mr. Arcari’s response included concepts/ideas including multi-buildings and different areas of new construction on THA property (these ideas had already been discussed at the meeting with Tom).
Quisenberry Arcari is the most expensive.
Quisenberry Arcari has a competing PHA project, the East Hartford Housing Authority’s Veteran Terrace Revitalization Project.
Quisenberry Arcari is located in Farmington, CT.
The firm is extremely competent and has done many CHFA/DOH deals. Paul Bailey
Paul Bailey, Principal
Mr. Bailey did not provide any concepts or ideas at the meeting nor did he give us any feedback on his vision for Stern Village.
Paul Bailey is the second most expensive.
Paul Bailey’s cover letter dictated stipulations in order to meet our deadline. (I spoke to Paul Bailey on October 6th and he indicated that he was flexible.)

Paul Bailey is located in New Haven, CT.
This firm is extremely competent and has done many CHFA/DOH deals.
George Wiles, Principal Brandt J. Jobst, Architect
Mr. Wiles’ response to the RFQ included a “sketchbook” of concepts.
At our meeting, Mr. Wiles took the initial concepts/ideas and expanded on them; their concepts appeared to make sense. In fact, we used their idea for the final matrix that was provided to all candidates.
Wiles does not have any competing jobs and can put their emphasis on Stern Village.
Wiles is the least expensive firm, by a significant amount.
Wiles is located in Bridgeport, CT.
On October 7, 2014, Neil Gerhardt, Stern Village Financial Consultant, and Ms. Polansky met with George Wiles and Brandt Jobst to discuss the discrepancy in their costs for the Westside of Stern Village vs. Paul Bailey’s.
Mr. Wiles appeared to put a lot of time in during our vetting period, which lowered their cost. Wiles had already provided us with concepts/ideas that appear to make sense.
Wiles spoke with Bill Maurer, Engineer for the Town of Trumbull about wetlands. Mr. Maurer provided Mr. Wiles with information about storm drainage requirements and wetlands, which were taken into account when they factored their costs.
Mr. Wiles understands the dynamics of the Town and has attended many Planning and Zonings meetings for other projects.
Wiles is only accounting for 1-4 different types of apartment designs which will be implemented into the Eastside of Stern Village and carried through to the Westside. This also accounts for their costs being significantly lower.
Wiles is a smaller firm and doesn’t have as much overhead as the others. George Wiles and Brandt Jobst are extremely personable and appear to be very competent. Wiles Architects is also conveniently located in Bridgeport.
Mr. Wiles stated that he knew Sam Stern, the founder of Stern Village, and is very familiar with its history as his mother-in-law once lived here. Wiles has a good deal of experience with the Millennium Group. The units are at the end of their life cycle and many improvements need to be made. Entrance ways need to be made more accommodating for the residents. Wiles will create “visuals” for the residents and added that the costs of renovating Stern Village will increase as time goes by.
Millennium Group has worked with all of these firms and is currently working with Paul Bailey and George Wiles. Bruce and Frank feel that each firm is excellent. George Whitaker and Frank Stellato recused themselves in making the final selection.

Mr. Edward Lavernoich, Director of Economic Development, Town of Trumbull, CT assisted in making this decision.
Chairman Kopchik stated that the purpose of the revitalization project was to improve the quality of the lives of Stern Village residents by making it a better place to live. We hope the State will give the project funding; the residents will not have to pay anything for this to be done. The residents should attend meetings and listen to the Board and not listen to residents who are spreading fabrications about this project. There is no hidden agenda. Residents should talk with the members of the Board when they have concerns to alleviate their fears.
Ms. Polansky stated that Wiles Architects provided many new ideas and did the most homework. The firm’s concepts made sense. Wiles also has no competing jobs during the timeframe of the project and was significantly less expensive. George Wiles contacted Mr. William Maurer, Engineer, Town of Trumbull, CT to discuss the issue of wetlands at Stern Village.
Mr. Gerhardt stated that funding for this project will partially come from RAP (Residents’ Assistant Payment.
Ms. Polansky stated that the project will also reduce energy bills. Stern Village residents are intelligent, helpful and concerned about their neighbors and the Stern Village community. They have great ideas. Ms. Polansky would like Stern Village to be the model public housing authority in CT. Everyone can work together to make this the best place to live. It’s all about team work.
There has been quite a bit of erroneous information being disseminated to the residents at Stern Village. Hotel units will be located on the premises; no one will be moved elsewhere. Timing is critical to prepare for our meeting with the State in November and for the 1st round of funding in 2015.
Mr. Wiles stated that there will be the least amount of impact on the residents and that parking will be allocated during the construction period. Residents will not be seriously inconvenienced in any way while this project is being constructed.
Public Comment
Several Stern Village residents made statements throughout the meeting as follows:
Ms. Sandra Fisher, Mr. Joe Ventura, Ms. June Leonard, Ms. Ranea Werthman, Mr. Gus Aquino, et al expressed their concerns about the rumors that were going around concerning the Stern Village revitalization project.
Mr. Nicholas Vertucci, who has lived in Trumbull, CT for many years, stated that he has known Mr. George Wiles for a long time and commended him for the work his architectural firm, Wiles Architects, has done in the State.
A motion was made to approve George Wiles as the architectural firm for the Stern Village revitalization and redevelopment project by Chairman Kopchik. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nassrah. The motion was unanimously approved.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Chairman Kopchik to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nassrah seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the commissioners. The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Jennette Stern Village
(These minutes are considered to be only a draft until approved at the next meeting by the Trumbull Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. )

Minutes-THA-October 13 2014

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Minutes THA January 2014

Trumbull Housing Authority

January 13, 2014


Community Room of Stern Village

Directors Present: Chairwoman, Linda Scarpantonio; Linda Nassrah, Suzanne Donofrio, Thelma Burr, Susan Fatse. Also present Executive Director Harriet Polansky.


The meeting was called to order at 4:15pm by Chairwoman, Linda Scarpantonio. She wished everyone a Happy New Year, conducted roll call followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Past Minutes

Chairman Scarpantonio noted the first item on the agenda was approval of the minutes of December 16, 2013 which had been previously distributed. Revisions to the minutes included the addition of Suzanne Donofrio as absent from the meeting and on page 3 – paragraph starting with JK Energy should read “JK Energy and UI will be providing lighting replacements and upgrades around the Village.” Motion was made by Chairwoman Scarpantonio to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 16, 2013 as revised. Seconded by Mrs. Nassrah and approved unanimously.


Bills and Communications

Mrs. Burr noted all bills had been paid as of January 13, 2014.


Executive Director Report

Mrs. Polansky introduced Neil Gerhardt who spoke about finances. Mr. Gerhardt noted that over the past six months, with the information submitted to the State, actual expenses are right on target noting there was a slight surplus, but by the end of the year everything should balance once everything is accounted for. Some of the bills are running a little bit higher such as medical insurance, electricity, water, cable TV and maintenance supplies but they have been offset by a lower cost of our property insurance, contract services, outside accountant and other fees. Currently the reserve balance is over $1.7 million and the overall cash position as of 12/31/13 shows a balance of $1.5 million with the reserve involved in that figure. We are in a good position to move forward into the year. Various improvements to the facility are being considered and we are speaking with various people to see what they can do to help, at no cost to us, through the utility companies, the state and grants. He noted Mrs. Polansky issued an RFP to request bids regarding grants available to housing authorities. We still have not received the third quarter services for the congregate which we received subsidies for, but it is early in the month and should be coming soon.


Mrs. Polansky noted an Appreciation Program was held for those individuals who have had a positive impact on the Village.
Several town officials were invited including EMS and Social Services as well as several directors of the board. First Selectman Herbst swore Thelma Burr in for her new term as resident commissioner. Breuggers Bagels and Stop & Shop donated food for the event.

Stop & Shop will be at Tuesday’s Tea to discuss healthy eating and Mrs. Polansky has some gift cards to raffle off.


Mrs Polansky noted there are certain areas of the Village that are not draining properly when it rains which causes huge puddle and lakes. Drains were changed in the past and they do not drain properly. This also causes ice formation when it freezes. At this point, sand piles will be used to divert the water until the situation can be addressed in the spring.


Water heaters are being replaced and she wants to be proactive to prevent problems. She will meet with plumbers to see how she can get additional heaters replaced. The Village has various types of water heaters.


JK has been contacted with regard to the lighting and they are starting installation next week. Mrs. Polansky is still waiting for UI to contact her with regard to energy efficiency. This will give her an idea of what funding they will provide and how much she will need to complete the project.


RFP has been sent out for program management services rehabilitation and renovation Stern Village and inform will be sent to interested firms by January 21, 2014 with bid opening on February 14, 2014.


Mrs. Polanski noted the Congregate Building has had several individuals filling in for the cook . She noted it is extremely
expensive to have food catered from outside venues. Peggy is now available to fill in when vacancies arise. She has a lot of experience with great ideas for new menus.


Five vacancies are expected in the Congregate. Ads have been put in the Connecticut Post and the Trumbull Times to fill them noting that the applicants would need to meet the requirements. Madeline has already received some inquiries. Three or four people are coming in by January 15 and some apartments still need to be rehabilitated.


Old Business: No Old Business.


New Business: No New Business.


Public Comment: Mr. Littlefield signed up to speak but decided to pass at this time. One resident questioned
who would be responsible for water damage to her apartment should the water come in because of the drainage problem. Mrs. Polanski noted it would be her responsibility as director.

Executive Session

Mrs. Scarpantonio noted the Board would be going into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. She moved to add to the agenda an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously. Mr. Littlefield questioned who
would be attending. Mrs. Scarpantonio noted all commissioners present and Mrs. Polansky. Motion was made by Mrs. Scarpantonio to go into Executive Session at 4:20pm, seconded by Mrs. Nassrah and approved unanimously.


Motion was made by Mrs. Scarpantonio to reconvene after the Executive Session at 4:45pm, seconded by Mrs. Nassrah, approved unanimously.


Mrs. Scarpantonio made a motion to amend the agenda to add one item under New Business which is to revise the Employee Handbook . Seconded by
Mrs. Donofrio and approved unanimously. Mrs. Scarpantoinio then motioned to replace Section 3.7 in the Employee Handbook with regard to meal periods to read as follows:


Employees that work for 7.5 or more consecutive hours are required to take an unpaid ½ hour meal period. Such period shall be given at some time after the first two hours of work and before the last two hours. Employees that work 7.5 or more consecutive hours are exempt if the duties of the position may only be performed by one person, or the continuous nature of the job requires that employees be available to respond to urgent or unusual conditions at all times; such employees are compensated for meal periods.


This language eliminates any possible ambiguities. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burr and approved unanimously.



There being no further business, motion was made by Mrs. Scarpantonio, seconded by Mrs. Burr, to adjourn the meeting at 4:40pm. Unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,





Barbara Crandall, Clerk


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